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9th annual Foxy Lady spiel to have Olympic theme

 LIFT your rocks high

                   anD get ready to slide INto

         the silver fox curling and yacht club

            summerside, p.e.i.   feb. 13-14 2009

                                  for thE 9th annual

        foxy lady bonspiel

      for the trials of the twenty-ten olYMPIC 

                       sport of women’S curling

       bring your brooms and raise them high as we join our fellow teammates for a weekend     

           of fun, laughter and food 

            at this year’s annual event

              teams from all over the world

                 (or at least the maritimeS)

will dress up to represent the nation for which they are curling, with hopes of A gold, silver or bronze medal

(prizes given for best costumes)

    limited to the first 36 countries

      120.00 per team 3 games (points)

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