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Renovated Western Community Club in Alberton holds opening

The Western Community Curling Club in Alberton got the new curling season underway on October 13 with a ceremony to mark the “reopening” of the club with a new entryway and a refurbished upstairs lounge.

The improvements to the Alberton club were jointly funded by the club, the federal government through ACOA, and the provincial government. Volunteer club members provided most of the labour.


Ribbon cutting duties in the renovated lounge were performed by (L to R) Club President Fr. Art Pendergast, Gail Shea, federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans from the nearby riding of Egmont, Audrey Callaghan, club vice-president and vice-president of the PEI Curling Association, and Pat Murphy, MLA for Alberton-Roseville.  Provincial Minister of Fisheries and Rural Development Neil LeClair was at the ceremony but could not be present when this picture was taken.

“I know the community is very proud of its curling club — and this facility is used extensively by residents and neighbours alike,” Mr. Murphy said in a speech.

The next step leading up to the start of play is an Open House from October 26 to 29 when everyone is invited to drop by between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. to throw a few stones, join the club or just socialize.

Weekly play is set to start November 2.

An innovation this year will be a Stick Curling league which will play Fridays at 10:00 a.m.

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