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Change to PEICA Entry Form

The Canadian Curling Association and the World Curling Federation both define the skip of a curling team as the person who “directs” (or calls) the game, regardless of throwing order.  Traditionally, the person who calls the game (i.e. the skip)  has been the person who throws the last two rocks of an end for their team. In the last few years, though, a number of teams have used different throwing orders, so that the last person throwing is not the skip who calls the game. For example,  the PEI team at the 2010 Scotties in Sault Ste. Marie is skipped by Kathy O’Rourke, who throws second stones, with Erin Carmody throwing fourth. The PEICA’s entry form did not have a way to identify when a team’s skip is different from the person throwing last.

To allow this to occur, the PEI Curling Association has, effective immediately, changed its electronic entry form to ensure that the person who calls the game (not necessarily the person who throws last), is identified on the form as the skip.

A new field has been added to ask for “Skip name”  i.e. the person who calls the game,  if different from the person throwing fourth.

The field for name of the person throwing last is now identified at the “Fourth name”, rather than  “Skip Name:.

This change was approved at the PEICA General Meeting on Monday night.

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