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Western club acquires AED


The Western Community Curling Club and the Jacques Cartier Memorial Arena now have Automated Emergency heart Defibrillators (AEDs) as part of their first aid services thanks to the Alberton Lions Club and grants from the provincial government. The devices were given to the two sports centres March 12 in a presentation at the curling club.

The official presentation of the devices to officials of both sports groups. (L to R) Perly Hardy, charter member of the Lions Club, Fr. Art Pendergast, President of the curling club, Joe O’Meara, 3rd Vice President of the Lions,Grant Milligan 2nd Vice President of the Lions, Terry LeClair, Secretary of the Lions, Greg Oliver, President of the Jacques Cartier Arena and area MLA Pat Murphy representing the provincial government.


The units cost $4,400.00 for the pair with the Lions Club paying $2,400.00 and Recreation PEI donating $1,000 to each sporting facility to cover the balance. Personnel from both facilities are set to be trained in the use of the devices.

The provincial government has been  helping fund the installation of the life-saving  units in recreation facilities across the province for a few years. Its grant program covers 50 per cent of the cost of an eligible AED, up to a maximum of $1,000 per unit. Recreation PEI looks after the administration of the program.

The Cornwall Curling Club also acquired an AED this season, with assistance from Recreation PEI, and local sponsor Cornwall Physiotherapy and Sports Rehabilitation.

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