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Get Social to win a custom iPod Nano with the CCA

Do you want to Win a Custom Product (Red) Special Edition Apple iPod Nano? Here’s the first of many Social Media Contests from the Canadian Curling Association this year.

Win a Custom Product (Red) Special Edition Apple iPod Nano

With the launch of the Canadian Curling Association’s new website comes a new online vision with Social Media at the forefront.

We know that many of Curling’s fans are actively engaged in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and here’s the first of many contests we’re going to be running this season to get connected to you.

How To Enter
Just do one (or both) of the following, and you’ll receive an entry into the contest:

1. Facebook Users – Like CCACurling on Facebook and Click “Like” at the bottom of the Contest Page

Becoming a Fan of ours on Facebook (by clicking the “Like” button at the top of our Facebook Fan Page) will give you updates and access to information on a regular basis as most of our updates and information goes to our Fan page. So, become a fan!

2. Twitter Users – Follow us on Twitter and Tweet this Contest

Just follow @CCACurling on Twitter and Tweet the exact message below to your followers. Following @CCACurling on Twitter will give you updates and access to information  on a regular basis.

Message to Tweet

This contest runs from September 7th through to September 17th.

If you’re looking for more details on the Rules and Regulations, check them out here.

Link to story at the CCA website

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