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Saskatchewan Men, Alberta Women win The Dominion Ch’ship

The Dominion Curling Club Championship wrapped up this afternoon at the Charlottetown Curling Club, with the Darren Camm rink from the Sutherland Curling Club in Saskatoon Saskatchewan hitting and sticking for two points in the final end in a 6-5 , men’s win over Ontario’s Chris Van Huyse team from the Annandale Curling Club in Ajax.  Van Huyse’s last shot picked up some debris, and stopped just over the hog line on the centre line, giving Camm the opportunity to win the game with his final stone. Other members of the winning Camm team are John Carlos, Mark Steckler, and Michael Steckler, with Jim March, Pat Jannsen, and Tyler Anderson rounding out the runner-up Van Huyse squad.

The women’s championship was won by Alberta’s Nanette Dupont rink from the Lethbridge Curling Club, with a 9-4 win over the Darlene Gillies team from Saskatchewan’s Kerrobert Curling Club.

The game was essentially over after a disasterous sixth end for Saskatchewan, when, facing three, Gillies wrecked both of her rocks on guards and also tapped Alberta’s rock in to count 4, giving Alberta a 9-3 lead.  Saskatchewan stuck it out for another end where they took a single point, and then decided to shake hands.

Other members of the winning Dupont foursome are Lace Dupont, Shirley Koltuch, and Valerie Leahey. Playing with runner-up Gilles were Colleen Oscar Swan, Tracy Heidt, and Linda Kloschinsky.

Photo (L-R): Michael Steckler, Lead, Mark Steckler, Second; John Carlos, Third; Darren Camm, Skip,
Nanette Dupont, Skip; Lace Dupont, Third, Shirley Kohuch, Second; Valerie Leahy, Lead

The 2011 The Dominion Curling Club championship will take place in Richmond BC from November 21-26.

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