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Follow the Scotties on twitter

Twitter is one of the best ways to keep on top of what is happening RIGHT NOW at the 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Charlottetown.

On the web, go to and type the appropriate “hash tags” into the search box at the top of the page to locate “Tweets” related to the event. A number of hash tags are being used by reporters and others (e.g. Team Homan, and Team Jennifer Jones) to let you know the latest.

Popular hash tags for Scotties info  are:  #scotties,  #stoh, and #curling.

You can also use the search box to type in the “handles” of  popular Scotties-related tweeters, such as:

CCACurling, PEICurling, Scotties2011, CBC_curling.  AllenCameronCH,  PaulWiecek, friesensunmedia. bwoncurling, curling_news, TeamJJonesCurl, TeamHoman, CivicCentrePEI,  and curlingzone.

To make it even easier, has created a “Twitter List”, aggregating Scotties tweets, which you can access from your browser or twitter app at:

As well,  a continuously scrolling display of the latest Scotties tweets has been added to the right sidebar of the home page.

Happy Tweeting!

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