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Canada wins 2011 World Wheelchair Curling Ch’ship (CCA)

Canada won the 2011 World Wheelchair Curling Championships in Prague today, beating Scotland 7-3 in the final and crowning an unbeaten championship run.

“We got off to a good start, stealing two,” said Canadian Skip Jim Armstrong after the game, “we were very solid and the two girls [lead Sonja Gaudet and second Ina Forrest] at the front end absolutely set the bar for wheelchair curling. They made it really easy for me, I honestly never had a tough shot. In the round robin we were very close after five ends against Scotland, but sometimes you have to play a little more aggressively and we had hard to play to beat them.”

It is a second world championship title for Armstrong, third Darryl Neighbour, second Ina Forrest and lead Sonja Gaudet and comes after their Paralympic gold in Vancouver last year.

“We knew we could come out here and give it our best shot,” said Scottish Skip Aileen Neilson, “Canada played really well and we are absolutely delighted with silver. It’s beyond our wildest dreams.”

Click for full story at the CCA website.

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