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Two from PEI join Youth Winter Olympics (CBC)

Two Prince Edward Islanders, one from the west and one from the east, are travelling to Austria this weekend to compete in the Youth Winter Olympics.

Emily Gray of O’Leary and Sam Walsh of Morell will be part of a 51-member Team Canada heading to Innsbruck. More than 1,100 14 to 18-year-olds will take part in these inaugural games.

Seventeen-year-old Emily Gray, lead on the curling team, is eager to prove herself on the world stage.

Emily Gray, lead curler, Team Canada, Youth Winter Olympics.

Emily Gray, lead curler, Team Canada, Youth Winter Olympics.
(Canadian Curling Association)

” It’s amazing, to be completely honest, especially for me,” said Gray.

Fifteen-year-old Sam Walsh is a goaltender for men’s hockey.

“My school has been great so far. I’ve made the Morell High wall of fame for the sports,” said Walsh.

The games run from Jan. 13-22.

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