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Colleen Jones, Mary Anne Arsenault, Kim Kelly reuniting to try for Olympics berth (CP/TSN)

HALIFAX — After six years apart, one of the most successful teams in Canadian women’s curling history is getting back together — with a twist.

Colleen Jones and Kim Kelly will join forces with skip Mary Anne Arsenault to form a powerful Nova Scotia team looking to qualify for the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

Nova Scotia skip Colleen Jones follows a rock as teammates Kim Kelly (left) and Mary-Anne Arsenault sweep during action against New Brunswick at the Canadian women’s curling championships in London, Ont. Thursday March 2, 2006. The trio plan to reunite and hope to represent Canada at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi (CP FILE PHOTO/Adrian Wyld)

From 1999 to 2004, the team skipped by Jones with Kelly as third, Arsenault as second and Nancy Delahunt as lead, won five Canadian championships — including four in a row — and two world championships.

But the Mayflower Curling Club foursome never represented Canada at an Olympic Games, missing out in 2002 and 2006.

“Really, that is the ultimate motivator; that’s the one thing we haven’t put on our resume,” Arsenault said.

The team broke up after the 2006 season, but Jones offered her services to Arsenault last week, prompting a team meeting.

“I was sick of losing and figured that we needed a bit of a firecracker,” Arsenault said. “Then Colleen walked into the picture.”

Arsenault met with Jones Sunday afternoon, and the reunion was on.

Click for full Canadian Press story at TSN.

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