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PEICA Provincial Championship Rules of Play – draft revisions and review session

Recently, a couple of PEICA board members reviewed the PEICA Provincial Championship Rules of Play.  This includes the overall rules; specific event rules; and the event formats.

I have attached the draft document that contains the revisions as well as the document that was reviewed.

Click links below to download and review (PDF format).

PEICA Provincial Championship 2012 Revised Rules of Play (DRAFT)

PEICA Provincial Championship Rules of Play (2009)

The changes in the document will be brought to the PEI Curling Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 30 for adoption. Prior to the meeting, the Board is giving members the opportunity to review the revision and bring feedback to a meeting this Saturday, April 28, at 10am at Sport PEI.  Any changes from the review session will be made before the final draft for adoption at the AGM.

If you have comments/issues/concerns/suggestions please RSVP for Saturday’s meeting by Thursday at noon.  I will confirm whether the meeting is happening by end of day Thursday.

Please DO NOT send your comments via email.

Amy Duncan,
Executive Director
PEI Curling Association

P.O. Box 302

Charlottetown PE C1A 7K7

Tel: 902-368-4208

Fax: 902-368-4548

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