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Curling ice tomorrow!

They had a slight delay due to some ice plant problems, but the final floods are being put on this evening, and the  ice will be ready for free curling instruction at the Charlottetown Curling Club Wednesday and Thursday evenings, with juniors (20 and under) from 4-6, and adult curlers from 6-8 pm. Registration goes tonight as well. Visit for more info.

It’s rumoured that the colours of the circles are in homage to Canada’s  NHL teams, who haven’t see much ice lately!

Icemaking is also getting underway at other clubs, with Cornwall and the Silver Fox expecting to have ice by the 15th, Montague later in Oct., Crapaud by the 1st week of November, and the Western and Maple Leaf clubs by mid-November. Visit each club’s website and/or Facebook page for the latest info.

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