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Stick Curling Growing in Popularity (Journal)

SUMMERSIDE – A new and less physically demanding way of curling is gaining popularity at the Silver Fox and is starting to take some of the spotlight away from the traditional style of curling.Glen Marsh, 78, has been stick curling for two years and enjoys it more than the regular curling.

Glen Marsh warms up before a game of stick curling recently at the Silver Fox Curling and Yacht Club. Brett Poirier – Journal Pioneer

“I started with stick curling two years ago and I wouldn’t even think about broom curling,” said Marsh. “It’s a great pastime once you start to understand the rules.”

Marsh suffered a heart attack in 2003 and says he looked into stick curling because of the lesser physical demand.

“You don’t have to bend down and get back up, race down the ice chasing the rock or put all your weight into sweeping the ice,” he said. “A lot of seniors have transferred into stick curling to avoid the strain in the regular style curling.”

Marsh’s teammate, Woody Pauptit, is one of those who transitioned into stick curling.

“My knees were giving out so I decided to prolong my career and take the stick, so far it’s been great,” said Pauptit. “I’ve curled for years now and I find this new type of curling is easier and the games are shorter.”

Stick curling, however, isn’t much different than regular curling, many of the same rules apply and the objective is the same, to have the most rocks in the house.

In order to play, a stick that looks similar to the customary curling broom is needed. The stick has a special attachment to grip the rock while the player walks it to the hog line before they send it down the ice.

Islanders will also have an opportunity to see the best in the country in early April when the Canadian Open 2 Person Stick Curling Championship goes to the Cornwall Curling Club.On Tuesday, Jan. 22, there will be a small tournament at the Silver Fox that’s open to the public.

The Silver Fox is encouraging anyone interested in joining the stick-curling league to call the office at (902) 436-2153.

Click for full story and Stick Curling rules in the Journal-Pioneer


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