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Streak ends for Birt rink (Guardian)

P.E.I. foursome loses evening game to British Columbia

(by Tim Gall)

KINGSTON, ONT. —?The winning streak reached four for Prince Edward Island Wednesday afternoon at the Scotties Tournament of Hearts.

However, the streak ended in the evening draw, as British Columbia’s Kelly Scott stole a single in the 10th end to edge P.E.I.’s Suzanne Birt 9-8.

Birt needed a draw to the button with her final shot but it slid too far, giving B.C. the victory and dropped the P.E.I. crew to 4-4.

P.E.I. defeated Kerry Galusha of Northwest Territories-Yukon 7-6 with a single point in the last end in its afternoon contest.

Photo special to The Guardian by Tim Gall

P.E.I. skip Suzanne Birt watches her shot go down the ice during Wednesday’s game against Kerry Galusha of the Northwest Territories/Yukon at the Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Kingston, Ont.

“Each and every game we’re getting a little bit stronger, getting a handle on the ice and it feels good to reel off a few wins in a row,” Birt said after the team’s fourth straight victory to counteract three losses at the beginning of the event.

Click for full story in today’s Guardian.

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