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KFC Under 13 Curling Ch’ships start this afternoon in Crapaud


The KFC/Curl PEI Provincial Championships for the Under 13 age category get underway at 4 pm Friday, and wrap up on Sunday at the Crapaud Community Curling Club, with five girl’s and three boy’s teams participating. The boys play a double round robin format, with the top two teams advancing to the final, unless a team goes undefeated, in which case they will be declared the champion without a final game. The girls will play a round robin, with the second and third place advancing to the semi-final, and the semi-final winner playing the first place team in the final. Games are six ends.

Here are the teams entered (skip to lead, coach-club):


Connor Lilly, AJ Cahill, Colin MacLeod, Aden Moore, coach Shelly MacFadyen-Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club
Carson Savidant, Tyler Aitken, Liam Kelly, Alec Huestis, coach Allan Aitken-Charlottetown Curling Complex
Mitchell Schut, Parker MacFadyen, Nick Johnston, Draven Kowalski, coaches Mike Schut, Butch McGeeCornwall Curling Club


Tegan Corkum, Elly Whitney-Coulter, Maddison Moore, Gabrielle Gallant-Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club
Bridget Patterson, Jordan Dunphy-Condon, Lauren Ferguson, Maggie
Arsenault, coach Shelley MacFadyen-Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club
Breanna Raynor, Maddison MacKinnon, Alice Cooke, Drew McInnis, coaches Sherrill Barwise, John Martin-Maple Leaf Curling Club
Kristie Rogers,  Beth Kirby, Olivia MacPhail, Rachel MacLean, coaches Michele
Rogers, Chris Kirby-Cornwall Curling Club
Katie Worth, Katelyn Burgoyne (skip and third will alternate positions after each game), Meaghan Perry, Haley Matheson, coach Ann Doucette-Cornwall Curling Club

Here are the opening day draws. Opening ceremonies are between the draws, at 5:45 pm

Friday March 8 at 4:30 pm
Katie Worth vs Tegan Corkum, Connor Lilly vs Carson Savidant, Bridget Patterson vs Breanna Raynor

Friday March 8 at 6:30 pm
Katie Worth vs Bridget Patterson, Connor Lilly vs Mitchell Schut, Tegan Corkum vs Kristie Rogers.

Remaining round robin draws go at 10 am and 2 and 6 pm on Saturday, with the final boys round robin game 10 am Sunday. Tiebreakers, if needed, are 10 am Sunday (girls) and 2 pm Sunday (boys), with the girl’s semi-final at 2 pm Sunday, and the girls and, if needed, boys finals at 6 pm Sunday.

Complete draw and end-by-end results at

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