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Reminder: Curl Atlantic Scholarship, Joyce Myers Trust Fund Capital Acquisition grant applications due Apr. 30

Note: Only one PEI scholarship application has been received to-date.


Curl Atlantic has implemented a scholarship to curlers who have enrolled full time in a post secondary institution. The intention of these awards is to allow talented athletes to devote primary sources of time and energy to training, rather than extensive employment in order to fund post-secondary education. Recipients will be expected to devote a full-time, shared commitment to sport and education exclusively. This award is not intended to reward past achievements but rather a means to pursue further achievements that surpass the current level of performance. Priority will be given to athletes attending Atlantic universities, colleges or vocational schools.
Please complete the following application and forward to the Executive Director of Curl Atlantic, Helen Radford (, by April 30th, 2013. Along with your application please include a copy of your university or high school transcript and one other letter of reference other than your coach. Disbursement of funds to the successful  applicants will occur on October 1, 2013, upon receipt of enrolment confirmation.

Application form:

Word                     PDF

Capital Acquisition Grants

The trustees of the Joyce Myers Trust Fund have created the Capital Acquisition Grants as a means to assist curling clubs within Atlantic Canada with capital projects, such as the repair, replacement, purchase or construction of a curling facility, icemaking equipment, or special curling equipment, such as little rocks for a junior program.

Apply using the application below.  The deadline for applications is April 30, 2013.

Word        PDF

Curl Atlantic

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