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Roger Gavin wins Volunteer Administrator of the Year award at ADL/Sport PEI curling awards

The ADL/Sport PEI Awards for curling were presented tonight at the Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside following Curl PEI’s Annual General Meeting.

Roger Gavin from the Western Community Curling Club in Alberton won the Volunteer Administrator fo the Year award. He was unable to attend tonight’s event.

File photo: Roger Gavin, winning a coaching award at the provincial Under 16 championships this year

Roger Gavin volunteers in many capacities, both at the Western Community Curling Club and for PEI curling in general. He has served on the Board of Directors for the past 18-19 years, and on the Curl PEI board for the past decade.  He has been the backbone of the Junior program at his club for many years, in an administrative, instructional, and coaching capacity. He is a certified Level 2 coach, and is working on his Level 2 Umpires and his Level 3 certification. At the club, he contacts members at the first of each year to see if they are curling, and makes up draw boards and signup sheets for all curling activities. tournaments, and provincial championships held at the club throughout the season. He has his Level 1 Ice Technicians certification, and is involved with installation and maintenance of the club’s curling ice each season. He organizes, oversees, and bartends at the club’s popular Texas Hold’Em poker nights.

He looks after all aspects of the bar, doing the bar sheets, counting and weighing the product, and balancing the cash.

In addition to preparing and looking after all draws at the club has done draw sheets for Provincial Legion and other events, and this year made up the large draw needed for the 50 team Canadian Stick curling championships, having to redo it at the last minute when the number of teams changed.

For many years, Gavin has been involved with the majority of the club’s administrative operations, including leagues, special events, bar, maintenance, sponsorship and membership, banquets, and publicity.

He is also an avid curler, and curled in the Canadian Stick Curling Championship this year in Cornwall.

All-in-all, his work is instrumental in keeping the Western Community club operating, and continually improving its programs and serviices.

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