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The REAL reason curling is better than hockey (CCA/NS Curl video)

(by Allen Cameron)

The 2013 Canadian Curling Association National Curling Congress (NCC) is underway this week in Ottawa, and it’s been an inspiring few days.

Here’s a look at one of the reasons why.


Brian Rippin was basically a non-curler looking for a business opportunity in Dartmouth, N.S., 10 years ago.

For some reason, curling struck a chord with him, and he decided open a little shop in Dartmouth called The Curling Store. Today, it’s a thriving business and Brian is preaching the gospel of curling to all who will listen.

Recently, Brian encountered a local dad looking for an ice sport for his sons. Their ensuing conversation produced this video from the Nova Scotia Curling Association, called The REAL reason curling is better than hockey. It was presented to rave reviews on Friday at the NCC.

Link to video on YouTube

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