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Calling UPEI Curlers…



Full time UPEI Students who are interested in competing at the Atlantic Curling Championship in Fredericton, NB January 3-5, 2014 please contact Curl PEI by November 8th, 2013. If more than one team is interested, a play down will need to take place. Please email with interest. The cost of the play down will be $25 per person.

Cost for the Atlantics will be $200 + travel expenses.

The 2014 Atlantic University Curling Championships will be hosted by the University of New Brunswick January 3-5, 2014. This year both the Men’s and Women’s eventswill be held on the same weekend.

The winner of the Championship will continue on to represent the Atlantic region at the CIS Championship being held in Regina, Sask. March 19-23, 2014.

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