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Gushue going to the Trials after all (as 5th player for Kevin Martin)

Brad Gushue announced on his Twitter account this afternoon that Kevin Martin, the gold medal winner at the 2010 Olympics, has asked him to be the fifth player on his team at the Capital One Roar of the Rings Olympic Trials, Dec. 1-8 in Winnipeg.

Gushue said he “will do whatever I can to help them win”. The other members of Team Martin are third Dave Nedohin, second stone Mark Kennedy, and lead Ben Hebert. Nedohin tweeted that he is “Looking forward to having his experience behind us as we drive for Sochi”.

Gushue missed out on his chance to qualify for the Trials at the Road to the Roar Pre-Trials on Sunday, losing the second qualifier game  to reigning Brier champ Brad Jacobs.

Brad Gushue (CCA photo)

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