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Clarey Consulting Cashspiel starts at 6 pm in Montague

(note-the original draw we received had an incorrect start time for the opening draw – it’s 6 pm)


Friday 6 pm
Ice 1 Paul Deveau vs Robert Campbell
Ice 2 Paul Morrison vs Tyler Harris
Ice 3 Rod MacDonald vs Jamie Newson
Ice 4 Eddie MacKenzie vs Tyler Smith

Friday 8:30 pm

Ice 1 Blair Weeks vs winner of Ice 4
Ice 2 Donald Clarey vs winner of Ice 1
Ice 3 Darlene London vs June Moyaert
Ice 4 Kaleigh MacKay vs Gail Greene

Friday 6 and 8:30 pm
Saturday 10am, 12:30, 4 and 6:30 pm
Sunday 10am and 12:30 pm

Lions Kitchen will be open all weekend

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