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Reminder: Thursday is entry deadline for U16. List of upcoming Curl PEI ch’ship deadlines


Here is a rundown of entry deadlines for provincial curling championships.

Entries for all events must be made online at

Start and end dates for provincial championships may vary slightly, depending on the number of entries.

Under 16

The 2014 O’Connor Glass/Curl PEI Provincial Under 16 Curling Championships take place at the Western Community Curling Club in Alberton from Feb. 27 to March 3. Last year, the Rachel O’Connor rink from the Cornwall Curling Club went undefeated to win the girl’s section, while the Alex MacFadyen foursome from the Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside won the boy’s.

Entry fee is $120/team, and entry deadline is January 30. Games in this event are 8 ends.

Click to view current entries at the event website:

Under 13

The Cornwall Curling Club are this year’s hosts for the KFC Provincial Under 13 Curling Championships, with boys and girls divisions, which takes March 6-10. In last year’s event, the rink of Mitchell Schut, Parker MacFadyen, Nick Johnston, and Draven Kowalski, with coaches Mike Schut and Butch McGee from the Cornwall club went undefeated to win the boys’ title, while the team of Tegan Corkum, Elly Whitney-Coulter, Maddison Moore, and Gabrielle Gallant, with coach Robert Corkum, from the Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside, also went undefeated to capture the girls’ division. Games in the U13 championships are 6 ends.

Entry fee is $120/team. Entry deadine is February 6.

Click to view current entries at the event website:

Junior Mixed

The Crapaud Community Curling Club are this year’s hosts for the Provincial Junior Mixed Curling Championships, from March 20-24. The James Dalton combined team from the Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside, and the Cornwall Curling Club, won the three-team double round robin Under 16 division last year, while the defending Under 21 champs are Kyle Holland rink from the Charlottetown Curling Complex and the Cornwall Curling Club.

Entry deadline is February 20, and entry fee is $140 per team. Entries must be made online at

Current entries at the event website:

The Dominion Curling Club Championship

The 2014 provincial The Dominion Curling Club Championship, featuring the men’s and women’s club champions from PEI curling clubs, will be held at the Silver Fox Curling and Yacht Club in Summerside from March 27-31. Last year’s winners were the Sharon Horne team from the Western Community Curling Club in Alberton, and, for the second consecutive year, the Allan Inman team from the Crapaud Community Curling Club. The winning teams will advance to the national The Dominion Curling Club Championship, November 24-29 at the Mayflower Curling Club in Halifax.

Clubs are to have their champions identified and entered online by February 27. Entry fee is $160 per team.

Entries to-date may be viewed at the event website:

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