Introducing relegation to national championships a major mistake
Curling is dying at the grassroots level in Canada and it has been for some time. Across the country clubs survive only through the participation of the ‘ 60- plus’ crowd. These “boomers” were the group that was responsible for the surge in curling participation 40 and 50 years ago, as well as setting attendance records at the Brier and Scotties throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. Unfortunately as this group ages, there are only a few coming into the game as spectators or curlers.
In its headlong rush to raise falling revenues, the Canadian Curling Association has instituted what it is calling “equitable opportunity to access championships.” Tragically, there is nothing equitable about it. The idea is to add a ‘ Team Canada’ to the Brier and a Northern Ontario team to the Scotties.
To do this and keep the number of teams participating the same as before, provinces and territories must be dropped through the process of a relegation round where the four provinces or territories that had the lowest win record from the year before must play off against each other with one team going on to the national competition and the other three being sent home. How remarkable that in a time where young competitive curlers need to be encouraged like never before, the CCA is forcing provinces out of national competitions.