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Arena curling getting underway at Eastern Kings Sportsplex, Belfast Rec Centre

Besides the seven dedicated curling facilities on PEI, recreational curling is also played on arena ice at two facilities – the Eastern Kings Sportsplex and the Belfast Recreation Centre.

Curling at the Sportsplex is on Tuesdays, starting Nov. 11 with first draw at 5:20 pm and 2nd draw at 7:30. They are still taking registrations. Casual curlers are welcome as well – only $10 a night.

Eastern Kings Sports Centre Facebook page:

Eastern Kings Arena Curling – photo by Waldron Leard

Curling at the Belfast Rec Centre goes on Monday nights at 6:30 and 8 pm.
1) REGISTRATION: Sat Nov 22 1 to 3 pm at Rec Centre. $135 incl HST cash or cheque only.
2) SCHEDULE: Monday Nov 24th through Mon March 9th inclusive. No breaks at Christmas time.
3) We are looking for individuals to join the organizing committee. Contact Gary Oulton (902-313-2000) or Clifford McKenna (902-626-8397) or Darlene Compton (902-628-5349) with any questions/comments.

Facebook page:

Photo from Belfast Rec Centre Facebook page

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