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Provincial Mixed Curling Ch’ship starts Friday – Newson rink back, looking for repeat win

The Curl PEI Provincial Mixed Curling Championship takes place March 13-17 at the Charlottetown Curling Complex.  The defending champions – the team of Jamie Newson, Vanessa Hamming, Andrew Robinson, and Michelle MacIntyre from this year’s host club and the Crapaud Community Curling Club are entered, along with seven other teams.

Mixedchamps20142014 PEI Mixed Champions (L-R): Clair Sweet, Curl PEI representative from the Maple Leaf Curling Club who hosted last year’s event, Jamie Newson, Vanessa Hamming, Andrew Robinson, Michelle MacIntyre


The teams will play modified triple-knockout draw, with the winners of each section advancing to the  two game championship round. If a team wins all three triple knockout sections, the championship round will not be played. If a team wins two sections, they would play in both championship games and win the title if they take either game, while their opponent would have to win both.

The winning team from this year’s competition will advance to the 2016 Canadian Mixed, Nov 7-14 2015 at the Weston Golf and Country Club in Toronto.

Live Curlcast Results available at

Event website:

Opening Draw – Friday March 13 at 2 pm:

Ice 1: Eddie MacKenzie (Ch’town)  vs. Mark Victor (Ch’town)

Ice 2: Cody Dixon (Montague) vs Andy Morris (Maple Leaf, Western Community)

Ice 3: Jamie Newson (Ch’town, Crapaud) vs Larry Richards (Montague)

Ice 4: Donnie Sheidow (Ch’town) vs George Koke (Montague)

Friday draws are at 2 and 6 pm, with Saturday games at 11 am and 3 pm. Sunday play is at 9 am and 1 pm, while Monday draws are at 10 am, with the first championship draw, if needed, going at 2 pm. The second championship game, if required, goes Tuesday at 10 am.

Modified Triple Knockout Draw
with 2 game championship round



Date Draw Time Ice 1 Ice 2 Ice 3 Ice 4
1 2pm 1 2 3 4
2 6pm 8 6 7 5
3 11am 10 11 9
4 3pm 15 13 14 12
5 9am 17 16 18
6 1pm 20 19
7 10am 21
8 2pm CH1
9 10am CH2


Team Rosters

Skip 3rd 2nd Lead Club
Cody Dixon Tammy Dewar Mike Clarey Aleya Quilty Montague Curling Club
George Koke Darlene London Paul Morrison Judy Koke Montague Curling Club
Eddie MacKenzie Chloé McCloskey Tyler MacKenzie Megan Wile Charlottetown Curling Complex
Andy Morris Marlana Oliver John Ellsworth Allison Griffin Maple Leaf Curling Club/ Western Community Curling Club
Jamie Newson Vanessa Hamming Andrew Robinson Michelle MacIntyre Charlottetown/Crapaud
Larry Richards Jennifer Scott Steven MacLeod Gail Greene Montague Curling Club
Donnie Sheidow Carol Kennedy David Murphy Donna Marie Charlottetown Curling Complex
Mark Victor Julie Scales Sandy Stewart Sandy Matheson Charlottetown Curling Complex


Click for previous winners.

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