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Birt, Bradley win openers at Sobeys Classic (Journal)

NEW GLASGOW, N.S. – The Suzanne Birt and Shelly Bradley rinks had similar opening games here at the 2015 Sobeys Classic cashspiel on Friday morning.

Birt, third stone Robyn Green, second stone Meaghan Hughes and lead Marie Christianson scored four points in the eighth and final end to double Jill Brothers of Halifax 8-4.

 Shelly Bradley

Bradley scored four with last-rock advantage in the seventh end to defeat Colleen Pinkney of Truro, N.S., by an identical 8-4 score. Bradley, who previously played third stone for Birt, moved back to the skip’s position this season with third Veronica Smith, second Jane DiCarlo and lead Tricia Affleck. Susan McInnis is the team’s alternate.

Click for full story in the Journal Pioneer

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