The Crapaud Community Curling Club is running a free learn to Curl program for four Tuesdays — November 3, 10, 17 and 24th, at 7pm.
After the four weeks, they are planning to have those curlers join with one experienced curler per team in league for the year. Other regular members can also curl in this league but they must have 3 new curlers on their team. The experienced player on all teams will throw lead stone. This will be a fun way to learn how to curl with others that are just learning and have an experienced player to answer all your questions.
There will be cash prizes given at the end of the curling season for this league. 1st-$280,
2nd – $120, 3rd-$60, and 4th-$40.
The cost after the four free weeks for a one night membership will be $213 (tax and PEICA fee included).
Come join in the fun and meet friendly and knowledgeable members. If you want to learn more about curling, check out the Curl PEI website’s pages.
If interested, contact the curling club @ 902-658-2789 or email-