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Robyn MacPhee and Veronica Smith teams in Lady Monctonian Quarter-Finals this morning

Two Island rinks are playing in the 9 am Quarter-Finals at the 18 team, $8,800 total purse, Lady Monctonian Invitational Spiel at Curl Moncton. The Robyn MacPhee team is taking on the Mary Mattatall rink from Halifax, while the Veronica Smith squad are playing the Mary-Anne Arsenault rink, also from Halifax.

The Jill Brothers team from Halifax, which includes PEI native Erin Carmody at third, is playing another  Halifax rink, skipped by Theresa Breen, in another quarter-final, while the Nancy McConnery squad from Dartmouth take on the Shannon Tatlock foursome from the host club in the last quarter-final matchup.

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The semis go at noon, with the final at 3.

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