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Stick Ch’ships – Awards Ceremony photos, thank-you note from co-chairs

Here are photos from the awards presentation for the Ferguson-Logan Montague Funeral Home Provincial Stick Curling Championships, which wrapped up Saturday at the Cornwall Curling Club.

Open Division winners Walter Callaghan (left) and John Vincent (centre) with head official Etta Reid.

Open Division Runners up Ernie Stavert (left), Vern Chowan

Event official Etta Reid (left) with Women’s winners Gloria Clarke (centre) and Ruth Stavert

Here is a thank-you note from event co-chairs Ernie and Ruth Stavert:

Ferguson-Logan Provincial Stick Curling Championship- Thank You
The Cornwall Curling Club’s reputation for event hosting and hospitality was at it finest during the recent Provincial Stick Curling Championship.
Although the stormy weather turned a 3 day event into a 5 day one and created more uncertainty than usual, everyone pulled together and worked through all the adjustments to schedules, food services, etc.
The host committee thanks the Club staff of Bev McCormick (mgr.), Lance Lowther (ice), Ray Biagé (custodian) and Kelly Arnold (bartender) for ensuring that everything was ready and ran smoothly.
The volunteer food services were capably handled by Myrna Sanderson with the assistance of Bernie Field, Barb Duncan-Biagé, Hélène LaPalme, Ann Greyborn, and Debbie Rhodenhizer.
Amy Duncan, Curl PEI Executive Director took care of registrations, the draw schedule, programs, and other administrative details.
Our official for the whole event was Etta Reid who put in long hours and kept everything running smoothly.
As always, we are indebted to Derek MacEwen who very professionally handled the web site and publicity.
Finally we thank our sponsors, Barry and Brenda Logan owners of the Montague Ferguson Logan Funeral Home, and Scott Annear manager of Morley Annear Trucking Limited for their continuing support..
Thanks to all,
Ernie and Ruth Stavert
Co-Chairs Provincial Stick Curling Championship


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