TheVogue Optical 55+ Games Regular Curling Draw for next week at the Cornwall Curling Club has been revised. Here is the new version.
55+ Games Curling Draw……Cornwall Curling Club
Monday, Feb. 20
8:30 am:
Ice 1 Paul Arsenault vs Tom Dunn
Ice 2 Barry Craswell vs Gordon Matthews
Ice 3 Lorne MacGuigan vs Philip McInnis
Ice 4 Paul Field vs Bryan Sutherland
10:15 am
Ice 1 Kimball Blanchard vs Julien Gaudin
Ice 2 Paul Arsenault vs Lorne McGuigan
Ice 3 Paul Durant vs Shelley Ebbett
Ice 4 Dale Cannon vs Tom Dunn
12:30 pm
Ice 1 Vern Chowan vs Gordon Matthews
Ice 2 Barry Craswell vs Julien Gaudin
Ice 3 Diane MacKay vs Shelley Ebbett
Ice 4 Paul Durant vs Bryan Sutherland
2:15 pm
Ice 1 Philip McInnis vs Tom Dunn
Ice 2 Vern Chowan vs Kimball Blanchard
Ice 3 Paul Arsenault vs Dale Cannon
Ice 4 Diane MacKay vs Paul Field
Tuesday, Feb 21
8:30 am
Ice 1 Paul Durant vs Diane MacKay
Ice 2 Dale Cannon vs Lorne MacGuigan
Ice 3 Gordon Matthews vs Julien Gaudin
Ice 4 Barry Craswell vs Vern Chowan
10:15 am
Ice 2 Shelley Ebbett vs Paul Field
Ice 3 Gordon Matthews vs Kimball Blanchard
12:30 pm
Ice 1 Dale Cannon vs Philip McInnis
Ice 2 Diane MacKay vs Bryan Sutherland
Ice 3 Tom Dunn vs Lorne MacGuigan
Ice 4 Paul Durant vs Paul Field
2:15 pm
Ice 1 Barry Craswell vs Kimball Blanchard
Ice 2 Philip McInnis vs Paul Arsenault
Ice 3 Vern Chowan vs Julien Gaudin
Ice 4 Shelley Ebbett vs Bryan Sutherland
Wednesday, Feb 22
8:30 am
Ice 1 Men’s semifinal
Ice 2 Mixed/women’s semifinal
Ice 3 Men’s semifinal
Ice 4 Mixed/women’s semifinal
10:15 am
Ice 1 Mixed/women bronze medal
Ice 2 Men’s gold medal
Ice 3 Mixed/women gold medal
Ice 4 Men’s bronze medal
All games will be 6 ends.
Tie breaking rules will be outlined before your first game.
There will be complimentary coffee/tea and muffins in the morning.
Food service will be available at noon.