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2019 Canadian Open Stick Curling Championship starts Sunday at Cornwall and Ch’town clubs



The 2019 Canadian Open Stick Curling Championship is being hosted by the Cornwall Curling Club from March 31-April 3, with curling getting underway at 9 am on Sunday the 31st. Some of the games the first two days are being played at the Charlottetown Curling Complex. Sixty-two two-person teams, from eight provinces and one territory, are taking part. There are 48 teams in the Open division (men and mixed) and 14 in the Women’s division, which was introduced when Cornwall previously hosted the championship back in 2013, and beginning this year, the division is now a permanent part of the championship.
There will be about 170 games played in total. Besides having an “Open” division, the championship is also “open” in that, although spots are reserved for the champions in each province and territory that chooses to participate, additional spots are available for other teams, on a space-available basis.
Much like the other two-person version of curling, “Mixed Doubles”, Stick Curling is relatively new, and both new versions share similarities, although there are also differences. Of course, the biggest difference with Stick Curling is that “delivery sticks” are used to deliver the curling rock from a standing position, rather than having the curler slide out from an ice-level rubber “hack”. Although it can be played and enjoyed by anyone, Stick Curling is designed to accommodate persons who might have difficulty sliding from the hack to deliver a rock. Additionally, and unlike Mixed Doubles, there is no sweeping between the hog lines.
With both sports, the maximum number of points that may be scored per end is six, while eight points (although rare) may be scored in an end of traditional four-person per team curling. Six rocks are thrown per team per end in Stick Curling, while Mixed Doubles has one rock per team pre-positioned on the playing surface, and five rocks are thrown per team in each end. Stick Curling games are six ends and take about an hour to play, while Mixed Doubles games are normally eight ends and take slightly longer. The first Canadian Stick Curling Championship was held in Winnipeg in 2008. Coincidentally, the 1st World Mixed Doubles Championship also took place the same year.
2013 champs Roddie MacLean (left) and Paul Field, after scoring a rare “six-ender” at that event.

When Cornwall previously hosted back in 2013, the Open Division was won by Cornwall’s Roddie MacLean and Paul Field, while the Women’s event was won by Ruth Stavert and Eileen Blanchard, also from the host club. MacLean and Stavert are both back this year. 

Rae (left) and Tom Campbell, 2018 Open division champions
The 2018 defending Open Division champions are Tom and Rae Campbell from Winnipeg.

The official opening ceremony will be held at Cornwall on Sunday, March 31 at 3:45 pm. Off-ice  events include a banquet at the Rodd Royalty Inn on Monday evening, and entertainment and a social time at the Cornwall club on Tuesday evening at 7:30.

Game scores may be accessed at Everyone is welcome to drop in to either of the Clubs from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm to watch. The final games will be held at Cornwall about 3 pm on Wednesday April 3rd. Further information on this event may be obtained from the event Chair, Ernie Stavert, at
Groups, Draw and Schedule: 
Open Division Groups

Group 1
1. MacLean/Clarke PEI/NS
2. Spinney/Hanham NS
3. Childe/Johnston MAN
4. Malcolmson/Thurston ON
5. Barbour/Barbour YK
6. Glydon/MacPherson PEI

Group 2
7. Dunsford/Clarey PEI
8. Wesley/Dorland NS
9. Campbell/Campbell MAN
10. Kotylak/Kotylak SK
11. Lord/McGraw NB
12. O’Rourke/Chaisson PEI

Group 3
13. Fisher/Arsenault PEI
14. Doucet/MacDougal NS
15. Rouse/Rouse MAN
16. Beach/Desnoyres SK
17. Stewart/Stewart NB
18. Hackett/Hackett PEI

Group 4
19. Kerwin/Power PEI
20. Bennett/Dunsmore NS
21. Spiring/Spiring MAN
22. Wejr/Prokopetz BC
23. Olson/Olson AB
24. Hogan/Hogan PEI

Group 5
25. Gill/Campbell PEI
26. Rutt/Slauenwhite NS
27. Anton/Cook MAN
28. Smith/Pieper BC
29. Sheppard/Sheppard ON
30. Mattson/Wood NS

Group 6
31. Stewart/ MacDonald PEI
32. Dyke/Burgess NS
33. McCullough/Johnston MAN
34. Dunlop/Moore SK
35. MacLeod/Thibault NS
36. McIntrye/Sutherland NB/PEI

Group 7
37. Callaghan/Vincent PEI
38. Nickerson/Cameron NS
39. Oliver/MacMillan MAN
40. Gallant/Armstrong NB
41. Whitlock/Whitlock ON
42. Stratton/Craswell PEI

Group 8
43. Gavin/Bernard PEI
44. Russell/Larson NS
45. Strand/Strand MAN
46. Sears/Sears BC
47. Scheckenberger/Mattis ON
48. Higginbotham/Higginbotham PEI

Women’s Division Groups:
Group A
A. Reid/Hughes PEI
B. Densmore/Belliveau NS
C. Hallett/Orser NB
D. Barwise/Callaghan PEI
E. Despande/Walker NS
F. Stretch/Doiron PEI
G. Stirling/Burbine NS

Group B
H. Clarke/Stavert PEI
I. Bullerwell/Malinson NS
J. Shultz/Laird MAN
K. Sanderson/Craswell PEI
L. Simpson/Doucette NS
M. Skiffington/Mattson NS
N. Minns/Harris NB

Schedule and Draw



Time Ice 1 Ice 2 Ice 3 Ice 4
9:00 Barbour/ Barbour Vs Glydon/ MacPherson MacLean/ Clarke Vs Spinney/ Hanham Childe/ Johnson Vs Malcolmson/ Thurston Olson/ Olson Vs Hogan/ Hogan
10:15  Deshpande/ Walker Vs Doiron/ Stretch Reid/ Hughes Vs Densmore/ Belliveau Hallett/ Orser Vs Barwise/ Callaghan Kerwin/ Power Vs Bennett/ Densmore
11:40 Lord/ McGraw Vs O’Rourke/ Chaisson Dunsford/ Clarey Vs Wesley/ Dorland Campbell/ Campbell Vs Kotylak/ Kotylak Spiring/ Spiring Vs Wejr/ Prokopetz
12:55  Stewart/ Stewart Vs Hackett/ Hackett Fisher/ Arsenault Vs Doucet/ MacDougal Rouse/ Rouse Vs Beach/ Desnoyers Reid/ Hughes Vs Sterling/ Burbine
2:20 Spinney/ Hanham Vs Childe/ Johnson Malcolmson/ Thurston Vs Glydon/ MacPherson Bennett/ Densmore Vs Spiring/ Spiring MacLean/ Clarke Vs Barbour/ Barbour

Official Opening

4:30 Densmore/ Belliveau Vs Hallett/ Orser Deshpande/ Walker Vs Stirling/ Burbine Wejr/ Prokopetz Vs Hogan/ Hogan Barwise/ Callaghan Vs Doiron/ Stretch
5:45 Wesley/ Dorland Vs Campbell/ Campbell Kerwin/ Power Vs Olson/ Olson Dunsford/ Clarey Vs Lord/ McGraw Kotylak/ Kotylak Vs O’Rourke/ Chaisson
7:00 Doucet/ MacDougal Vs Rouse/ Rouse Beach/ Desnoyers Vs Hackett/ Hackett Gill/ Campbell Vs Rutt/ Slauenwhite Fisher/ Arsenault Vs Stewart/ Stewart



Time Ice 1 Ice 2 Ice 3 Ice 4 Ice 5
9:00 Shephard/ Shephard Vs Mattson/ Wood   Anton/ Cook Vs Smith/ Pipper MacLeod/ Thibault vs McIntyre/ Sutherland Stewart/ MacDonald Vs Dyke/ Burgess
10:20  McCullough/ Johnston Vs Dunlop/ Moore Simpson/ Doucette Vs Skiffington/ Mattson Clarke/ Stavert Vs Bullerwell/ Mallinson Shultz/ Laird vs Craswell/ Sanderson Whitlock/ Whitlock Vs Stratton/ Craswell
11:45  Callaghan/ Vincent vs Nickerson/ Cameron Oliver/ MacMillan vs Gallant/ Armstrong Sheckenburger/ Mattis vs Higginbotham/ Higginbotham Gavin/ Bernard Vs Russell/ Larson Strand/ StrandVs Sears/ Sears


Clarke/ Stavert Vs Minns/ Harris Smith/ Pieper Vs Mattson/ Wood Dyke/ Burgess Vs McCullough/ Johnson   Gill/ Campbell Vs Shephard/ Shephard
3:00  Stewart/ MacDonald vs MacLeod/ Thibault Dunlop/ Moore vs McIntrye/ Sutherland Russell/ Larsen Vs Strand/ Strand Gallant/ Armstrong Vs Stratton/ Craswell Nickerson/ Cameron Vs Oliver/ MacMillan
4:15  Bullerwell/ Mallison vs Shultz/ Laird Callaghan/ Vincent vs Whitlock/ Whitlock Craswell/ Sanderson vs Skiffington/ Mattson Simpson/ Doucette vs Minns/ Harris  
  5:45      Gavin/ Bernard vs Scheckenburger/ Mattis   Sears/ Sears vs Higginbotham/ Higginbotham  


Cornwall Monday April 1

       Time        Ice 1        Ice 2        Ice 3         Ice 4
   8:00 Smith/ Pieper vs Shephard/ Shephard Gill/ Campbell vs Anton/ Cook Rutt/ Slauenwhite vs Mattson/ Wood Sears/ Sears vs Scheckenburger/ Mattis
  9:15 Craswell/ Sanderson vs Simpson/ Doucette Bullerwell/ Mallinson vs Skiffington/ Mattson Clarke/ Stavert Vs Schultz/ Laird Russell/ Larson vs Higginbotham/ Higginbotham
   10:40 Dunlop/ Moore Vs MacLeod/ Thibault Stewart/ MacDonald vs McCullough/ Johnston Dyke/ Burgess vs McIntyre/ Sutherland Gavin/ Bernard vs Strand/ Strand
 11:55 Gallant/ Armstrong vs Whitlock/ Whitlock Callaghan/ Vincent vs Oliver/ MacMillan Nickerson/ Cameron vs Stratton/ Craswell Bullerwell/ Mallison vs Minns/ Harris
  1:20 Anton/ Cook vs Mattson/ Wood Rutt/ Slauenwhite vs Shephard/ Shephard Strand/ Strand vs Higginbotham/ Higginbotham Gill/ Campbell vs Smith/ Pieper
  2:45 Schultz/ Laird vs Skiffington/ Mattson Craswell/ Sanderson vs Minns/ Harris Russell/ Larson vs Scheckenburger/ Mattis Clarke/ Stavert vs Simpson/ Doucette
  4:10 Oliver/ MacMillan vs Stratton/ Craswell Nickerson/ Cameron vs Whitlock/ Whitlock Gavin/ Bernard vs Sears/ Sears Callaghan/ Vincent vs Gallant/ Armstrong
5:25 McCullough/ Johnston vs McIntyre/ Sutherland Dyke/ Burgess vs MacLeod/ Thibault Stewart/ MacDonald vs Dunlop/ Moore Anton/ Cook Vs Rutt/ Slauenwhite

Reception 6:30

Banquet 7:00

Charlottetown Monday April 1 

       Time        Ice 1        Ice 2        Ice 3         Ice 4    Ice 5
   8:30 Kotylak/ Kotylak vs Lord/ McGraw Dunsford/ Clarey vs Campbell/ Campbell Wesley/ Dorland vs O’Rourke/ Chaisson Beach/ Desnoyers Vs  Stewart/ Stewart Malcolmson/Thurston vs Bar bour/ Barbour
9:45  Fisher/ Arsenault vs Rouse/ Rouse Doucet/  MacDougal vs Hackett/ Hackett Barwise/ Callaghan vs Deshpande/ Walker Reid/ Hughes Vs Hallett/ Orser Densmore/ Belliveau vs Stretch/ Doiron
11:15 MacLean/ Clarke vs Childe/ Johnson Spinney/ Hanham vs Glydon/ MacPherson Wejr/ Prokopetz vs Olson/ Olson Kerwin/ Power vs Spiring/ Spiring Bennett/ Densmore vs Hogan/ Hogan
12:30  Campbell/ Campbell vs O’Rourke/ Chaisson Wesley/ Dorland vs Lord/ McGraw Dunsford/ Clarey vs Kotylak/ Kotylak Hallett/ Orser vs Stirling/ Burbine Rouse/ Rouse vs Hackett/ Hackett
2:20 Spinney/ Hanham vs Barbour/ Barbour MacLean/ Clarke vs Malcolmson/ Thurston Fisher/ Arsenault vs Beach/ Desnoyers Childe/ Johnson vs Glydon/ MacPherson Doucet/ MacDougal vs Stewart/ Stewart
3:35  Stretch/ Doiron vs Stirling/ Burbine Densmore/ Belliveau vs Desphande/ Walker Reid/ Hughes vs Barwise/ Callaghan Spiring/ Spiring vs Hogan/ Hogan  
5:00   Bennett/ Densmore vs Olson/ Olson Kerwin/ Power vs Wejr/ Prokopetz    

Reception 6:30

Banquet 7:00 pm  


Tuesday April 2

       Time        Ice 1        Ice 2        Ice 3         Ice 4
8:15  Gill/ Campbell vs Mattson/ Wood Rutt/ Slauenwhite vs Smith/ Pieper Russell/ Larson vs Sears/ Sears Anton/ Cook vs Shephard/ Shephard
9:30  Stewart/ MacDonald vs McIntyre/ Sutherland Dyke/ Burgess vs Dunlop/ Moore Strand/ Strand vs Scheckenburger/ Mattis McCullough/ Johnston vs MacLeod/ Thibault
10:50 Callaghan/ Vincent vs Stratton/ Craswell Nickerson/ Cameron vs Gallant/ Armstrong Oliver/ MacMillan vs Whitlock/ Whitlock Gavin/ Bernard vs Higginbotham/ Higginbotham
12:05 Tie-Breaker Draws Groups 5-8      
12:25 Stirling/ Burbine vs Minns/ Harris Hallett/ Orser vs Desphande/ Walker Reid/ Hughes vs Doiron/ Stretch Barwise/ Callaghan vs Densmore/ Belliveau
2:10   Clarke/ Stavert vs Skiffington/ Mattson Bullerwell/ Mallison vs Craswell/ Sanderson Schultz/ Laird vs Simpson/ Doucette
3:20 Tie-Breaker Draws Group A      
3:45 Kerwin/ Power vs Hogan/ Hogan Rouse/ Rouse vs Stewart/ Stewart Fisher/ Arsenault vs Hackett/ Hackett Doucet/ MacDougal vs Beach/ Desnoyers
5:10 Dunsford/ Clarey vs O‘Rourke/ Chaisson Campbell/ Campbell vs Lord/ McGraw Wesley/ Dorland vs Kotylak/ Kotylak Bennett/ Densmore vs Wejr/ Prokopetz
6:25 Spinney/ Hanham vs Malcolmson/ Thurston MacLean/ Clarke vs Glydon/ MacPherson Spiring/ Spiring vs Olson/ Olson Childe/ Johnston vs Barbour/ Barbour
7:35 Tie-Breaker Draws Groups 1-4      

Entertainment and Social time 7:30

Directors meeting  7:45


Wednesday April 3rd

    Time           Ice 1             Ice 2            Ice 3           Ice 4
      8:00 Game 1
1st GR3 vs 2nd GR6
Game 2
2nd GR3 vs 1st GR6
Game 3
1st GR2 vs 2nd GR7
Game 4
2nd GR2 vs 1st GR7
      9:15 Game 5
1st GR1 vs 2nd GR8
Game 6
2nd GR1 vs 1st GR8
Game 7
1st GR4 vs 2nd GR5
Game 8
2nd GR4 vs 1st GR5
     10:45 Game A
1st GRA vs 4th GRB
Game B
2nd GRB vs 3rd GRA
Game C
1st GRB vs 4th GRA
Game D
2nd GRA vs 3rd GRB
12:00 Game 9
Winners Game 3 & 4
Game 10
Winners Game 7 & 8
Game 11
Winners Game 5 & 6
Game 12
Winners Game 1 & 2
1:45 Winner C & D Winners 11 & 12 Winners 9 & 10 Winners A & B
3:20 Final – Open   Final – Women  

    Awards 4:40

Team Rosters

     Open Division                                                           

YK- Chuck Barber/Bonnie Barber                                                             

BC- Derrell Sears/Sheron Sears                                                                

      -Jack Prokopetz/Al Wejr

     -Tim Smith/Chris Pieper

AB- Randy Olson/Ruby Olson

SK- Derrel Beach/Bob Densnoyers

     -Wayne Kotylak/Marilyn Kotylak

     -Russ Moore/Bob Dunlop

MB-Fred Spiring/Britta Spiring

      -Tom Campbell/Rae Campbell

      – Warren Johnston/Brad Childe

     – Ernie Oliver/Ross MacMillan

     -Charlie McCullough/Wayne Johnston

     -Dave Anton/Harold Cook

     -Ken Strand/Shirley Strand

     – Jim Rouse/Keren Rouse

ON- Bill Whitlock/Vicki Whitlock

      – Don Sheppard/Nancy Sheppard

      -Bill Malcolmson/Rick Thurston

      -Ron Sheckenberger/Ken Mattis

NB- KayMcGraw/Rolly Lord

     -Mark Stewart/Dodi Stewart

     -Frank Armstrong/Fred Gallant

 NS-Keith Bennett/Bruce Densmore

     -Chuck Dyke/Jim Burgess

     -Bill Spinney/Paul Hanham

     -Paul Doucet/Dave MacDougal

     -Jim Russell/Milt Larsen

     -Laughlin Rutt/Stewart Slauenwhite

     -Bill MacLeod/Ray Thibault

     -Bill Wesley/Bob Dorland

     -Stephen Mattson/Charles Wood

     -Brian Nickerson/John Cameron

PE-Roddie MacLean/Haylett Clarke

    -John Dunsford/Alva Clarey

   Sterling Higginbotham/Bazil Higginbotham

    -Sterling Stratton/Barry Craswell

    -Walter Callaghan/John Vincent

    -Eddie Bernard/Roger Gavin

    -Victor Hogan/Dianne Hogan

    -Vince Fisher/Paul Arsenault

    – Gordon MacDonald/Floyd Stewart

    – Alvin Hackett/Janet Hackett

    – Bill Glydon/Wayne MacPherson

     -Tom O’Rourke/Urban Chaisson

      – Doug Campbell/Joe Gill

      -Howard Kerwin and Bill Power

PE/NB- Bryan Sutherland/John McIntyre

Total 48


Women’s Division

MB- Shelley Schultz/Ina Laird

NB- Sherril Minns/Sue Harris

      -Barb Hallett/Ann Orser

NS -Uttara Deshpande/Sandra Walker

     -Patti Simpson/Lynn Doucette

     -Karen Skiffington/ Betty Mattson

     -Pauline Bullerwell/Diane Mallinson

     -Doreen Densmore/Caroline Belliveau

     -Linda Stirling/ Corrine Burbine

PE- Etta Reid/Elaine Hughes

     -Gloria Clarke/Ruth Stavert

     -Audrey Callaghan/Ann Barwise

     -Myrna Craswell/Myrna Sanderson

     -Phyllis Stretch/Joan Doiron

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