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Upcoming webinars from other curling associations


Here are webinar offerings coming up from other curling associations that you might be interested in. 

Curl BC

Curl BC has partnered with CAAWS and are hosting 2 webinars on LTD Considerations for Girls and Young Women. These will be worth professional development points.

Link with full details:

Curl BC is also working on finalizing dates & times to host a webinar/network opportunity on Learn to Curl Leagues. They are using panelists from clubs in BC who have been successful over the past couple of years, and giving time for others to ask questions and share their success tips.

Kim Dennis | Education Coordinator | Curl BC

(w) 604-333-3619 | (f) 604-333-3615 | (toll free) 1-800-667-2875 | Web:

Ontario Curling Council

The Ontario Curling Council has organized two new webinars.  On April 1, Paul Webster, National Program Coach, will be presenting on effective season debriefing and on April 14, Mick Lizmore will be discussing the dynamics of changing teams from both perspectives – being let go and choosing to leave a team.

For more information and to register, please go to the following link:

OCC Webinars

As always, these webinars are worth on professional development point each.

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