We are bumping the entry up to $80 a team as we need to rent the full upstairs to give enough space to meet covid restrictions and to allow some warmup space so our expenses are up a bit.
Right now we are taking 8 teams in each field, but as the draw guy I am really trying to find a way to possibly take more if Covid allows. We will take the confirm the first 8 on each side and let those on the waiting list know where they stand. If Covid stays under control we will reassess later in December about possibly expanding. Obviously, everything is subject to change based on conditions when we get to the spiel.
Please respond to Beth at the Junior Curling email address chesterjuniorcurling@hotmail.
Any questions you can ask either her or myself,
Andrew Atherton
Poster/Entry Form:
New Scotland Junior Mixed Doubles Spiel
January 16/17th
Chester Curling Club
Guarantee 3 games
Under 15 & 21 division
8 teams each division
Divisions: Under 15____ Under 21___
Female -__________________________ Date of Birth:_____________
Male – _________________________ Date of Birth: _____________