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Dunsford / Sanderson team win Cornwall Cup stick curling tourney


Photo  ( L-R): Finalists Elaine Hughes and Etta Reid, winners Myrna Sanderson, and John Dunsford.

The winner of the 3rd Annual Cornwall Cup Stick Curling Tournament was the duo of John Dunsford and Myrna Sanderson, who beat out Etta Reid and Elaine Hughes in a very close final game by a score of 6-5!

Consolation prizes were awarded to the team of Joe Gill and Doug Campbell, and the Glen Singleton and Shoji Yamamoto rink.

The first-place team went home with $200.00, the second-place duo won $100.00, and the consolation winners received $50.00 each.

Event Chair Doug Campbell would like to thank Draw Master Etta Reid for all her work and time! He would also like to thank Myrna Sanderson and Etta Reid, for providing a welcoming breakfast for all participants. Doug expressed his gratitude to icemaker Brent for excellent ice conditions for the stick curlers, and a thank you to all of the Cornwall Curling Club Employees for their work before and during the event A special thank you to Elaine Hughes, Carol Sweetapple and everyone else who helped out, and finally a big thank you to all participants!

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