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Recreation PEI Facilities Webinar: Planning to re-open? How many people can I let in and how will we manage them?

August 20, 2020 @ 2:00 pm

Recreation PEI has put together a series of webinars specifically designed for organizations that own/operate ice skating and curling facilities. All four webinars are free of charge and will run each Thursday, August 20th through September 10th at 2:00PM ADT. Topics include; Social Distancing and Space Management, Infection Prevention and Cleaning, Arena Facility Safety Practices, and Recreation Facility Asset Management. We highly encourage all arena facilities to have at least one person from your organization attend each session.

Please pre-register using the links below.

Thursday, August 20th / 2:00PM
Planning to re-open? How many people can I let in and how will we manage them?

Your doors are opened or opening to the public. Are you ready for physical distancing within your space? Here at Smarter Spaces we are aware of the challenges that businesses will face. Using our existing technologies to provide a “birds eye view” in conjunction with our Emergency Planning expertise, we are able to help you plan out your space. With a plan in place, we can help you maximize the number of people that can use your space safely. Please join us for a webinar explaining our Proximity PlanningTM service.
Presenter: Tim Mansfield, Smarter Spaces Inc.


Click Here for more information on the full series or on the links above to pre-register/join each individual webinar session.

Jamie Gosbee

Projects Manager

Recreation PEI Inc.

40 Enman Crescent, Suite 238

Charlottetown, PE

C1E 1E6

Ph: 902-368-5930

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