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West Cape Wind Farm Funspiel

January 3, 2020 @ 5:00 pm – January 4, 2020 @ 6:00 pm
$120 for a regular 4-person team, $50 for a 2-person stick team, and $60 for Under 13 teams.

The Maple Leaf Curling Club in O’Leary is hosting the West Cape Wind Farm Funspiel on January 3rd and 4th, with Friday night munchies and entertainment 8-11:30 with Robert Jones, and Saturday lunch included, for $120 for a regular 4-person team, $50 for a 2-person stick team, and $60 for Under 13 teams. 3 six-end games guaranteed. Draw to the button for cash Sat. at 12:30 for $5 a shot or 3 for $10.

Curlers and non-curlers are welcome to come out and have a good time!

Signup via Maple Leaf Curling Club on Facebook or (902) 859-3012, or Amy MacMillan on FB or (902) 856-1149.

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