History Combined Association Minutes 1990-91 to 1997-98
The recording of the history of the PEI Curling Association (Men's and Ladies) and curling clubs on PEI is part of a project initiated by Jerry Muzika through the PEI Curling Association with the view to preserving the curling heritage of Prince Edward Island. Minutes from the Associations and some of the curling clubs have been reviewed and excerpts taken and compiled chronologically. Some anecdotal accounts have also been included for their historical interest.
Thank you - to all who have cooperated and participated in this project. Especially to Debbie Carragher and Janet Doiron at Sport PEI, Shirley Lank, Cornwall Curling Club, Ron Atkinson, Belvedere, and all those who located minutes and entrusted them to me as I carried out my review. Any errors and/or omissions are unintentional and corrections should be passed on to me at this web site. - Jerry Muzika
Below are the minutes of the PEI Curling Association after the 1990 amalgamation of the men's and women's associations.
The first meeting of the newly formed PEICA was held at the Charlottetown Curling Club Tuesday, September 18, 1990 at 7:50 pm.
The meeting was chaired by Shirley Lank, Past President of the Prince Edward Island Ladies Curling Association.
In attendance:
Merrill Scott, Past President Alan Stevenson, President
Shirley Lank, Past President Helen Robbins, 1ST Vice President
Kaye MacFadyen, 3RD Vice President Robbie Roberts, Jr. Dev.
Ken Anderson, Promotions
Ann Barwise, Maple Leaf Larry Dewar, Montague
Lloyd MacCallum, Silver Fox David MacFadyen, Crapaud
Helen MacDonald, Silver Fox Elayne Thomson, Crapaud
Sherill Barwise, Maple Leaf Fran McGowan, Montague
The minutes from the ladies and mens meetings were approved as presented. Moved for adoption by Alan Stevenson, seconded by David MacFadyen. Corrections to ladies minutes - Delegate - at - Large, name of Edwin Walker deleted. Money from PDRs should read PEICA not CCA.
Nomination Committee:
Shirley called for the Nomination Report from John Fortier.
President Alan Stevenson
1ST Vice President Helen Robbins
2ND Vice President Clair Sweet
3RD Vice President Kaye MacFadyen
Delegate at Large Rupert Sweetapple
Each club is to have two delegates (one male & one female), Junior Development Chairperson, Promotions Chairperson, Curl Canada Coordinator.
Nominations from Floor
Helen MacDonald nominated Lloyd MacCallum for Delegate-at-Large.
Voted for Delegate at Large position - Rupert Sweetapple
It was moved by John Fortier and seconded by Shearill Barwise to adopt the new Executive.
Ken Anderson presented Frank Duck Acorn as a builder of curling.
∙ Developed 50 and Over Club
∙ Senior Bonspiels and Masters Bonspiels
∙ Briar Representative
∙ President of CCC the year ladies were brought in club
Mr. Acorn responded with thanks I owe a lot to Curling - Curling owes me nothing. I got my feet in doors I never would have if it had not been for curling.
YEAR 1990 -1991
Past President Merrill Scott
President Alan Stevenson
1ST Vice President Helen Robbins
2ND Vice President Clair Sweet
3RD Vice President Kaye MacFadyen
Delegate - at - Large Rupert Sweetapple
Secretary - Treasurer Darlene Kneabone
Curl Canada Co-ordinator Shirley Lank
Junior Co-ordinator Robbie Roberts
Marketing Co-ordinator Ken Anderson
Mens Winners
Robert Campbell Peter Gallant
Mark ORourke Mark Butler
Peter MacDonald
Runners - up
Peter MacDonald Rod MacDonald
John Postma Cliff Poirier
Ladies Winners
Angela Roberts Kathy ORourke
Susan McCurdy Bea Graham-MacDonald
Anne Dillon
Runners -up
Kim Dolan Susan McInnis
Julie Scales Marion MacAulay
Mixed Winners
Peter Gallant Kathie Gallant
Phil Gorveatte Leslie Allan
Runners -up
Dale Cannon Darlene Gaudet
Blair Jay Susan Gaudet
Mens Winners
Doug Cameron Bob Dillon
John Stewart Paul Szczygiel
Wayne Gardiner Fred Hiscock
Raymond Thomson Everett Ward
Ladies Winners
Marie Gaudet Wanda MacLean
Sylvia Rodd Marilyn Banks
Edna Lord Elizabeth Ings
Mary Lantz Barb MacAusland
Mens Winners
Sean Matheson Brian Scales
Robbie Newson Paul MacCormack
Mike Gaudet Eddie MacKenzie
Wade Steel John Peters
Ladies Winners
Lynn Callaghan Rebecca Jean MacPhee
Susie Roberts Lou Anne Henry
Ambyr Sentner Pam Sweetapple
Karen McInnis Nancy Balderston
The Annual Meeting of the Prince Edward Island Curling Association was held on Saturday, June 1, 1991 at 1:00 pm at the Cornwall Curling Club.
In Attendance:
Alan Stevenson, President
Helen Robbins, 1st Vice President
Clair Sweet, 2nd Vice President
Helen MacDonald, 3rd Vice President
Rupert Sweetapple, Delegate at Large
Robbie Roberts, Junior Development
Ken Anderson, Promotions
Darlene Kneabone, Secretary-Treasurer
Shirley Lank, Past President and Technical Director
Christine Murphy, Alberton; John Griffin, Alberton
Muncey Harris, Maple Leaf; Leah Harris, Maple Leaf
Lloyd MacCallum, Silver Fox; Susan Gaudet, Silver Fox
Dave MacFadyen, Crapaud; Elayne Thomson, Crapaud
Shirley Berry, Cornwall; lBob Wright, Cornwall
Larry Dewar, Montague; Betty Pretty, Montague
Cecil Villard, Chtown; Arleen Harris, Chtown
Daryell Nowlan, CFB Shelley Ebbett, Belvedere
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Alan Stevenson.
Election of Officers:
Shirley moved that the following positions be approved.
Past President Alan Stevenson
President Helen Robbins
1st Vice President Clair Sweet
2nd Vice President Helen MacDonald
3rd Vice President Rupert Sweetapple
Delegate at Large Arleen Harris
Election of Officers:
Clair Sweet and Helen MacDonald to represent the PEICA at the A.G.M. in Ottawa in June. Helen MacDonald is replacing Helen Robbins who is unable to attend.
Hall of Fame:
The Committee consisted of Shelley Ebbett, Boyde White and Clair Sweet. They will be calling for nominations to the Hall of Fame in the Fall. Names will be submitted at that time.
Cecil Villard moved meeting be adjourned.
Report of the 1st Vice President
As female 1st Vice President of the Association it was my duty to chair the Scott Tournament of Hearts.
The team of Angela Roberts, Kathy ORourke, Susan McCurdy and Bea Graham-MacDonald won the right to represent us at Saskatoon from February 23 to March 2.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen Robbins
Report on Seniors and Masters
The 1990-1991 Masters was held at Belvedere Golf and Winter Club on December 14-16, 1990.
The event was a double knockout and finished at the 2pm draw on Sunday. The Bud Lund rink went undefeated and Gladys Reid beat Pearl Giggy twice on Sunday to earn the Ladies Championship title.
The winning team members were Bud Lund, Aurel Morais, George MacCannell, Jack Brown; and Gladys Reid, Nelda Coffin, Anita Cudmore and Alma MacDonald. The runners-up were Earl Hayes, Phil Bernard, John Paton, Bill Ward; and Pearl Giggy, Joyce Beer, Florence Wonnacott, Kay Douglas.
May 21, 1991
D. Alex MacDonald 8 Year
The D. Alex MacDonald Mens 8 Year was hosted by the Cornwall Curling Club on March 1, 2 and 3rd. Seventeen teams participated in the spiel with the John MacDonald team from the Charlottetown Curling Club winning the event. Other members of the team were John Mullen, Darrell Kirev, and Pat Quilty. Unfortunately I was out of the province at the time but from all reports things went well during the event. At this time I wish to thank our sponsor D. Alex MacDonald Ltd. for their continued support and I hope that they will continue their support in the future. I would also like to suggest that if a site for the 8 Year has not been selected for next year that the Silver Fox in Summerside be given strong consideration. D. Alex has sponsored this event for many years and to my knowledge the spiel has not been hosted in Summerside in recent history. I would also like to thank Cornwall representatives Shirley Berry and Bob Wright for looking after the spiel all weekend.
- Rupert Sweetapple
Director at Large
TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1992
The third Annual Meeting of the PEI Curling Association was held in Montague on May 26, 1992 with President Helen Robbins in the chair.
In Attendance:
Executive: Helen Robbins, President
Clair Sweet, 1st Vice President
Helen MacDonald, 2nd Vice President
Larry Dewar, 3rd Vice President
Daryell Nowlan, Marketing Director
Shirley Lank, Technical Director
Alan Stevenson, Past President
Darlene Kneabone, Secretary-Treasurer
Delegates: Dawn MacFadyen, Crapaud
Dave MacFadyen, Crapaud
Shirley Berry, Cornwall
Bob Wright, Cornwall
Dale Cannon, Silver Fox
Barb Currie, Silver Fox
Chris Murphy, Alberton
Mike Allen, Alberton
Muncey Harris, Maple Leaf
Leah Harris, Maple Leaf
Donald Clarey, Montague
Charlotte Crawford, Montague
Doug Cameron, CCC
Shelley Ebbett, Belvedere
Minutes of the last Annual Meeting - The minutes were approved as circulated.
Presidents Report - The Presidents Report was approved as circulated.
Election of Officers - The following names were brought forth for election for Executive positions:
Clair Sweet, President
Helen MacDonald, 1ST Vice President
Larry Dewar, 2nd Vice President
Arleen Harris, 3rd Vice President
John Griffin, Delegate at Large
New Business
Doug Cameron spoke to the meeting about the Brier bid. The Globe and Mail printed a story that PEI was still in the running for the Brier. When contract was produced in regard to a Brier it was decided that the risk was too large to continue to bid for such an event. Charlottetown is now considering bidding on a National Mixed.
Installation of New President
Helen welcomed the Chair in as the new President of the PEI Curling Association.
New Presidents Remarks
Clair thanked Helen for leadership with support and cooperation of all people involved in curling.
Cecil Villard moved meeting be adjourned.
Our Provincial Labatt Tankard Preliminaries were held at the Cornwall Curling Club January 10-13 with 34 teams entered. Qualifying for the final 8's undefeated were Ted MacFadyen, Doug Weeks, Kevin Champion and Wade MacRae and with one loss Robert Campbell, John Likely, Ken McGregor and Peter MacDonald.
Our Championship team from Crapaud included Skip Ted MacFadyen, Mate Bill MacFadyen, Second Mike Coady and Lead Sandy Foy. The runner-up team from the Silver Fox was skipped by Peter MacDonald, with Mate Roddy MacDonald, Second Daryell Nowlan and Leads Cliff Poirier and John Postma. Dave MacFadyen was chosen to accompany our team to the Brier as a designated substitute.
The use of time clocks for the final eights noticeably picked up the pace of the games and resulted in no problems.
Report of Second Vice President
My main responsibility as the second vice president this year was to chair the Scott Tournament of Hearts which was held in Montague January 17-20.
At this banquet for the first year, three women were presented with Recognition Awards as deserving curler builders from past years. These were Wanda Hunter, Lois Hennessey and Evelyn MacLure.
The final game of the Scott was on Monday evening with John MacGuiness and Tom Brooks presenting the Scott Plaque and pendants to the winning team of Kim Dolan, Susan McInnis, Julie Scales and Marion MacAulay, and to the runner-up team of Shelley Danks, Anne Dillon, Rosemary Butler-MacArthur and Trish MacGregor.
Report of 3rd Vice President
The Masters Bonspiel was held at the Montague Curling Club on December 13-15, 1991. The Mens side of the competition had 7 teams entered, and the Ladies consisted of three teams. The winners and runners-up of the competition won the right to travel to St. John, N.B. to compete in the Maritime Masters in February. The winners for the men were the team of Bud Lund from the Charlottetown Curling Club and for the Ladies the team of Liz MacDonald also from the Charlottetown Curling Club.
The Seniors Bonspiel for the Men and Ladies was held at the Maple Leaf Curling Club in OLeary on a very wild and stormy weekend of January 31- February 4, 1992. After a day of storm delays and many long hours of wondering if western PEI weather was ever going to give in the bonspiel ended a day off schedule.
The winner of the 16 Mens teams entered was Wayne Gardiner from the Crapaud Curling Club and the winners of the Ladies Section was Elaine Thomson also from Crapaud.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Dewar
3rd Vice President
1992 - 1993
Past President Helen Robbins
President-Clair Sweet
Vice President-Helen MacDonald
2ND Vice President-Larry Dewar
3RD Vice President-Arleen Harris
Delegate - at - Large-John Griffin
Secretary - Treasurer-Darlene Kneabone
Curl Canada Co-ordinator-Shirley Lank
Junior Co-ordinator-Shirley Lank
Marketing Co-ordinator
Robert Campbell, Peter Gallant, Mark ORourke, Mark Butler
Peter MacDonald
Peter MacDonald, Rod MacDonald, Paul Snively, Morley Foy
Ladies Winners
Angela Roberts, Sara Gatchell, Janice MacCallum, Nancy Reid
Leslie Allen
Kathy ORourke, Gail MacNeill, Bea Graham-MacDonald, Valerie Legault
Mixed Winners
John Likely, Susan McInnis, Mark Butler. Gail MacNeill
Doug Cameron, Kim Dolan, Paul Power, Nancy Reid
Senior Mens Winners
Bob Dillon, Paul Saulnier, John Stewart, Jerry Muzika
Wayne Gardiner, Fred Hiscock, Raymond Thomson, Everett Ward
Senior Ladies Winners
Janet MacDonald, Donna McCarthy, Anne Currie, Bev Millar
Marg Campbell, Helen Robbins, Louise MacLeod, Sandra King
Junior Mens Winners
Mark Kinney, Andrew MacDougall, Eric Brodersen, Chad MacMillan
Kyle Stevenson, A.J. MacSwain, Robert Gauthier, Terry Hood
Junior Womens Winners
Angela Sutherland, Lisa MacRae, Jennifer Coady, Melinda Kinney
Krista Cameron, Shannon Perry, Peggy Miles Cheryl King
WE MADE IT!!!! JULY 21, 1992
A positive vote by the General Assembly of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) confirmed on July 21, 1992 that curling will receive full medal status at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1993
The fourth Annual Meeting of the PEI Curling Association was held in OLeary on May 25, 1993 with President Clair Sweet in the chair.
In Attendance:
Executive: Helen Robbins, Past President
Clair Sweet, President
Helen MacDonald, 1st Vice President
Larry Dewar, 2nd Vice President
Arleen Harris, 3rd Vice President
Shirley Lank, Technical Director/Junior Development
John Griffin, Delegate at Large
Darlene Kneabone, Secretary - Treasurer
Delegates: Dawn MacFadyen, Crapaud
Dave MacFadyen, Crapaud
Shirley Lank, Cornwall
Bob Wright, Cornwall
Lloyd MacCallum, Silver Fox
Chris Murphy, Alberton
Scott Clark, Alberton
Sherrill Barwise, Maple Leaf
Anne Barwise, Maple Leaf
Donald Clarey, Montague
Tammy Martell, Montague
Wellington Gay, CCC
Presidents Report -Gerry van Ouwerkerk from Summerside has been appointed to the position of Junior Development Chairperson with Brenda MacMillan as Co-Chairperson.
Diane Farquharson from Sherwood has been appointed chairperson of our Promotions and Marketing Committee. Shirley Lank will carry on as our Technical Director for another year.
Moved by Helen Robbins and seconded by Dawn MacFadyen.
Other Reports - The following reports were approved and circulated and added to:
1ST Vice President
2ND Vice President
3RD Vice President
Delegate - at - Large - John reported that a letter has been received from Walter Piccott Chev Olds informing us that they would be no longer sponsoring the 4 Year. John recommended that the 4 Year be dropped. The 4 Year will continue for at least another year. Hopefully a sponsor can be found. Junior Development
Sherrill Barwise moved the adoption of the above reports. Lloyd MacCallum seconded.
Motion Carried
Election of Officers
The following names were brought forth for election for Executive positions:
Helen MacDonald, Sweet, President
Larry Dewar, 1ST Vice President
Arleen Harris, 2nd Vice President
John Griffin, 3RD Vice President
Dawn MacFadyen, Delegate - at - Large
Adjournment - Dawn MacFadyen moved the meeting be adjourned.
1st Vice President Report
For a second year in succession there was a total of seventeen teams entered in the Scott Tournament of Hearts Provincial Playdowns. This double knockout competition was completed on Tuesday, January 26 with the team of Angela Roberts, Sara Gatchell, Janice MacCallum, and Nancy Reid defeating runners-up Kathy ORourke, Gail MacNeil, Bea Graham-MacDonald and Valerie Legault.
As chair of this event which was held at the Silver Fox Curling Club, I would like to thank the host club and Barb Currie for their work in making the Scott a successful weekend. Also thanks to Darlene, Peter and Roberta MacDonald for the draw and to our sponsor Scott Paper Ltd., represented by Gerry Geldart and Tom Brooks.
The National Tournament was held in Brandon, Manitoba February 29 to March 6. Angelas team, and fifth player Leslie Allen represented PEI well with their 5-6 record. Arleen Harris and I attended all the policy meetings and voted on behalf of this Association on changes and issues brought before the A.G.M. in Ottawa, June 18 and 19.
The results of the motions that are considered there will be given to the delegates in September and this will be passed on to the curling clubs in early Fall.
Its been a successful year for curling and I look forward to new challenges in the next season.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen MacDonald
1ST Vice President
Report on Mens and Ladies 8 Year Provincial
The Provincial Mens and Ladies 8 Year Provincial Bonspiel was played March 5-7, 1993 at the Silver Fox Curling Club. There were 15 Mens and 6 Ladies teams entered. Roy Arsenault, Manager of the Summerside I.G.A. Grocery store presented the prizes to the winners of the ladies. This event is sponsored by Bolands IGA in Armdale, N.S.
The Ladies winners were from the Silver Fox Curling Club: Skip: Darlene Gaudet, Mate: Bernice Birch, 2nd: Sharon Walker and Lead: Judy Cormier.
The Mens winners were also from the Silver Fox Curling Club: Skip: Mike Gaudet, Mate: Eddie MacKenzie, 2nd : Tyler Harris, and Lead: Craig Arsenault.
Report on Mens 4 Year Provincial
The Provincial Mens 4 Year Provincial Bonspiel was played on March 19-21, 1993 at the Alberton Curling Club. There were 7 mens teams entered. Tracey Author, Manager of the Alberton Curling Club presented the prizes to the winners. This event is sponsored by Walter Piccott Chev Olds Cadillac Ltd.
The Mens winners were from the Silver Fox Curling Club: Skip: Leo Stewart, Mate: Greg Lord, 2nd: Paul Brown and Lead: William Profit.
1993 -1994
Past President-Clair Sweet
President-Helen MacDonald
1ST Vice President-Larry Dewar
2ND Vice President-Arleen Harris
3RD Vice President-John Griffin
Delegate - at - Large- Dawn MacFadyen
Secretary - Treasurer -Darlene Kneabone
Curl Canada Co-ordinator- Shirley Lank
Junior Co-ordinator-Gerry van Ouwerkerk
Marketing Co-ordinator-Nicole Harris
Mens Winners
Mike Gaudet, Eddie MacKenzie, Tyler Harris, Craig Arsenault
Daryell Nowlan
Ted MacFadyen, Ken McGregor, Mike Coady,Sandy Foy
Ladies Winners
Shelly Danks, Nancy Reid, Janice MacCallum, Shelley Muzika
Joan Butcher
Kim Dolan, Kathie Gallant, Marion MacAulay, Julie Scales
Mixed Winners
John Likely, Susan McInnis, Mark Butler, Gail MacNeil
Robert Campbell, Angela Roberts, Mark ORourke, Kathy ORourke
Senior Winners
Mens Roger Goss, Bobby Dillon, John Stewart, Paul Szczygiel
Wayne Gardiner, Fred Hiscock, Raymond Thomson, Everett Ward
Marie Gaudet, Wanda MacLean, Nancy Campbell, Marilyn Banks
Elizabeth Ings, Mary Lantz, Judy MacLean, Irene MacRae
Junior Winners
Mens Kyle Stevenson, A.J. MacSwain, Robert Gauthier,Terry Hood
Jody Jackson, Jamie Jackson, Jeff Smith, Robbie Smith
Ladies Krista Cameron, Shannon Perry, Peggy Miles, Cheryl King
Angela Sutherland, Lisa MacRae, Jennifer Coady, Shawna Lanigan
TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1994
The fifth Annual Meeting of the PEI Curling Association was held in Summerside on May 31, 1994 with President Helen MacDonald in the chair.
In Attendance:
Executive: Clair Sweet, Past President
Helen MacDonald, President
Larry Dewar, 1st Vice President
Arleen Harris, 2nd Vice President
John Griffin, 3rd Vice President
Dawn MacFadyen, Delegate at Large
Gerry VanOuwerkerk, Junior Development
Darlene Kneabone, Secretary-Treasurer
Delegates: Janice Burns, Crapaud
Dave MacFadyen, Crapaud
Shirley Lank, Cornwall
Bob Wright, Cornwall
Roddy MacDonald, Silver Fox
Barb Currie, Silver Fox
Norma Jean Griffin, Alberton
Scott Clark, Alberton
Sherrill Barwise, Maple Leaf
Anne Barwise, Maple Leaf
Tammy Martell, Montague
Observers: Lloyd MacCallum, Silver Fox
Gordon Lank, Cornwall
Kenneth Campbell, Montague
Peter MacDonald, Silver Fox
Recognize Curlers Deceased during the Year
A moment of silence was held in recognition. Curlers mentioned were Alan Robinson and Roger Meek.
Election of Officers
The following names were brought forth for election for Executive positions:
Helen MacDonald, Past President
Larry Dewar, President
Arleen Harris, 1st Vice President
John Griffin, 2nd Vice President
Dawn MacFadyen, 3rd Vice President
Donald Clarey and Bruce Read, Delegate at Large
Vote was held and congratulations to Bruce Read as new Delegate at Large.
New Business
Election of Representatives
Representatives to the AGM in Ottawa are to be Arleen Harris and Larry Dewar.
Tammy moved meeting be adjourned.
1994 -1995
Past President- Helen MacDonald
President-Larry Dewar
1st Vice President -Arleen Harris
2nd Vice President- John Griffin
3rd Vice President -Dawn MacFadyen
Delegate-at-Large -Bruce Read
Secretary-Treasurer - Darlene Kneabone
Curl Canada Co-ordinator - Barb Currie
Junior Co-ordinator - Gerry VanOuwerkerk
Marketing Director - Shirley Lank
Mens Robert Campbell, Peter Gallant, Mark ORourke, Mark Butler
Peter MacDonald
Runners -up
Peter MacDonald, Rod MacDonald, Paul Snivley, Morley Foy
Rebecca Jean MacPhee, Kim Dolan, Marion MacAulay, Lou Ann Henry
Susan McInnis
Shelly Danks, Nancy Reid, Janice MacCallum, Shelley Muzika
Peter MacDonald, Karen A. MacDonald, Rod MacDonald, Karen E. MacDonald
Blair Weeks, Anne Dillon, Doug Weeks, Shelley Muzika
Senior Mens
Roger Goss, Bob Dillon, John Stewart, Paul Szczygiel
Phil Perry, Ernie Diamond, Jim Smith, Jim MacLean
Senior Ladies, Marnie Noye, Ann Currie, Mabel Gardiner, Annetta Walsh
Flora Thompson, Sharon Knox, Evelyn Rodgerson, Ruth Walsh
Junior Mens
Mark Kinney, Andrew MacDougall, Erik Brodersen, Chad MacMillan
Kyle Stevenson, A.J. MacSwain, Robert Gauthier, Terry Hood
Junior Ladies
Angela Sutherland, Lisa MacRae, Shannon Perry, Jennifer Coady
Peggy Miles
Krista Cameron, Suzanne Gaudet, Cheryl King, Stefanie Richard
The sixth Annual Meeting of the PEI Curling Association was held in Montague on May 31, 1995 with President Larry Dewar in the Chair.
In Attendance:
Executive: Helen MacDonald, Past President
Larry Dewar, Pesident
Arleen Harris, 1ST Vice President
John Griffin, 2ND Vice President
Dawn MacFadyen, 3RD Vice President
Bruce Read, Delegate at Large
Gerry van Ouwerkerk, Junior Development
Barb Currie, Technical Director
Shirley Lank, Marketing Co-ordinator
Darlene Kneabone, Secretary-Treasurer
Deanna Walsh, Crapaud
Dave MacFadyen, Crapaud
Shirley Lank, Cornwall
Bob Wright, Cornwall
Rod MacDonald, Silver Fox
Sharon Walker, Silver Fox
Norma Jean Griffin, Alberton
Kenneth Banks, Alberton
Muncey Harris, Maple Leaf
Leah Harris, Maple Leaf
Tammy Martell, Montague
Kenny Campbell, Montague
Bill Atkinson, Charlottetown
Kay Elliott, Charlottetown
Observers: Shelley Muzika, Charlottetown
Kim Dolan, Charlottetown
Call to Order
Presentation of Scott Recognition Award to Cathy Dillon. Presented by Arleen Harris. Arleen recognized all the years Cathy has devoted to the game.
Report of Credentials
To have a vote at the Annual Meeting each club had to have at least 60% attendance at all the meetings all winter. All clubs have two votes.
Recognize Curlers Deceased during the Year
A moment of silence was held in recognition.
Minutes of Last Annual Meeting
Minutes were approved as circulated. Moved by Kenny Campbell and seconded by Bruce Read.
Presidents Report
Presidents Report approved as circulated. Seconded by Tammy Martell. Carried.
Secretary-Treasurers Report
Secretary - Treasurers Report approved as circulated. Seconded by Bruce Read. Carried.
Other Reports
The following reports were approved as circulated:
1st Vice President
2ND Vice President
3RD Vice President
Delegate at Large
USA Tour
Winter Games
Marketing Report
Junior Development
Technical Report
Shirley moved adoption of above reports. Rod MacDonald seconded.
Motion Carried
Thank you letter from Rebecca Jean MacPhees team. Letter from Curling Hall of Fame in regard to Cathy Dillon being inducted into the Curling Hall of Fame.
Business Arising from Above
No business arising from correspondence
Proposed Amendments to Bylaws
The following motions were submitted by the Constitution and Rules Committee.
Add (3) to interpretation in 2 e)
Full and unlimited access to all club activities and events except in cases differentiated by Mens or Womens participation.
Replace interpretation with the following
Only those member categories which require the maximum fee for mens, womens, and juniors are eligible to enter provincially sanctioned competitions. (This excludes the life- member category at those clubs which have contracted such a membership).
Delete to the Executive of from 2 c)
Change 3. e) which reads
To regulate and control provincial curling championship competitions within the province.
to read
To ensure that the regulations for the provincial curling championships are applied consistently by all affiliated clubs.
Delete from President responsibilities & BASF in 7.2.
Delete from Delegate at Large responsibilities & 4 Year Men in 7.2.
Add to Delegate at Large responsibilities & Junior Development Liaison in 7.2.
Delete from Past President responsibilities History in 7.2.
Add to 8.1
a) To be responsible for the promotion of all Association activities in their respective club and for enforcement of all rules and regulations of the club.
If this motion is passed then (a) will become (b) etc.
Change 8.2 which reads
The Mens Competitive Curling Association (MCCA) appoint a delegate.
to read
The Mens Competitive Curling Association (MCCA) appoint a non-voting delegate.
This was amended to read the Mens or PEI Competitive Curling Association appoint a non-voting delegate.
Carried as amended
Carried as voted
Delete 8.6 which reads and move 8.7 up to 8.6
Add to 12.1 the following sentence
The persons in this position shall be required to attend 60% of all regular meetings and 60% of all executive meetings in order to retain their position for the next year.
Change the Job Description of the Junior Development Chairperson in 12.2 from
Make contact with clubs
Introduce yourself
Send letter to club in regard to their needs
Develop program for year
Organize Fall Workshop Session
Contact Sponsor
Organize Provincial Junior
Work with Technical person to hold Development Days
Organize and have Booster Days
Attend all provincial meetings and report to keep clubs informed of what is happening in Junior Program
Attend National Juniors
Bring reports
Help look after team
Look after coaches
Prepare budget for upcoming year
Bring budget to Annual Meeting
Organize upcoming year
Use ideas from workshop to develop program
to read
Assume responsibility for all sponsorship in conjunction with championship chairperson
Make contact with clubs to obtain a contact person
Develop program for year
Help organize Fall Workshop Session and use ideas to develop program
Contact sponsor
Organize Provincial Junior
Work with technical person to hold Development Days
Organize and have Booster Days
Attend National Juniors
Bring reports
Help look after team and coaches
Prepare budget for upcoming year and submit at Annual Meeting
Amended to 12.3
Carried as Amended
Add the following to 12.3
Shall be responsible for ensuring that all events have sponsors and that sponsors get as much
publicity as possible.
Delete 16.5 and change numbering of 16.6 and 16.7 to 16.5 and 16.6.
Change 16.6 (c) to read the F.R. Seamans Junior Mens and Junior Ladies Championship.
Change 16.6 (d) to read The Ford Mixed Championship
Change 16.6 (g) The Rodd 8 Year Mens and Womens Championship
Change 16.6 (h) to read The Gaboury Trophy
Delete 16.6 (i) and (j)
Change 16.7 to read
Each championship has a chairperson plus delegates from host club or clubs.
Add and are required to attend at least 60% of all regular and executive meetings in order to retain their position for the next year. to 18.
Add and are required to attend at least 60% of all regular and executive meetings in order to retain their vote at the annual meeting. to 18.
Delete BASF as a duty of the President in 18.
Delete and the Mens 4 Year and under the duties of the Delegate at Large in 18.
Add and acts as liaison for Junior Development on the Executive under duties of the Delegate at Large in 18.
Delete Shall be responsible for keeping the history updated from duties of the Past President in 18.
Add Attends meetings at his/her discretion to duties of the Past President in 18.
Change title on first page to Provincial Playdown General Rules for Mens, Womens, Mixed, Seniors and Juniors.
Add under Provincial Playdown Rules as an introduction.
The PEI Curling Association has the right and the obligation to set the regulations for eligibility into Provincial Championships leading to Nationals. These rules are to be applied consistently by all affiliated clubs.
Change the first sentence of 5. to read
Each team must register their 4 players by the closing date for the playdowns.
Add such colors must be consistent for each team. To ensure this, the clothing must be purchased well in advance with an assortment of sizes on hand. to 11.
Delete the word Unit in 15. b)
Add and jackets for the first time winners to 16.
Add Entries post-marked after that date will not be accepted to 20.
Add The color of playing stones is determined by each teams position on the draw. i.e. the top position on the draw will throw the color on top of the scoreboard. as 22.
Add During provincial championships, open and final eights events, there will be one qualified head official, under whom there will be a minimum of one official per draw. as 23.
Amended to read certified instead of qualified
Carried as Amended
Add as 24.
The PEI Curling Association and the Chairperson will take an active role in the production of the draw with the following points in mind. as 24.
b) The Chairperson will have the draw reviewed for errors, time faults, etc. If the draw is found to be unsatisfactory he/she will either:
1) have the drawmaster make corrections and/or complete a new draw or
2) refuse the draw and make arrangements to hire another drawmaster to complete an acceptable draw.
b) The chairperson or P.E.I.C.A. representative will be present when the teams are drawn and positioned on the draw. Any interested curlers may attend. The teams will be drawn blindly or from a hat and positioned on the prepared draw in the order drawn.
c) The draw will be delivered to the Journal Pioneer and the Guardian-Patriot at least five days prior to the competition start date with the request that it be put in the paper as soon as possible.
d) The drawmaster will complete two draws; one for the Open Competition and one for the Final Eight Competition no later than five days after the entry closing date.
e) The drawmaster will complete the draw with only the following necessary information: number of teams, dates of play, times of games and number of ices available.
Add For each game in the Open Competitions, opposing teams will toss a coin at least one half hour prior to the game time with the winner choosing last practice or last rock advantage. If a team is not present than the other team can have their choice. as 25.
Change the Tankard Rules as follows:
1. Draw to be triple knock-out for Open and Final Eights Competition.
2. Each curler participating in this competition must have paid a participants fee.
3.Players eligible for play in the Canadian Junior Curling Competition are ineligible to play for this competition.
4.Seeding or ranking of teams in the open will be utilized on a point system according to how a team placed in the Island cash spiels. These cash spiels will be designated at the beginning of the curling season and the MCCA will administer this point system. The top eight teams shall be placed on the draw according to where they are ranked and the remaining teams will be drawn randomly. Should the MCCA cease to exist it will than become a complete random draw.
5.The Final Eight draw will be played within five days. Draw times will be posted by the drawmaster at the conclusion of the Open.
6.The 4 teams having the fewest losses will be seeded in the positions 2, 4, 6 & 8 on the draw for the final eights. These positions are determined by the opening draw positions, as teams qualify.
7.The above four teams from the Open will have the first practice and the last rock in the opening game of the final eight triple knockout. Thereafter rule #25 of General Rules will apply.
8.The Tankard Final be held no more than four (4) weeks before the start of the Brier.
Replace Budget Mixed Rules with the following:
1.Draw to be triple knock-out on one weekend for 32 or less team and for open competition and triple knock-out for final eights.
2.Each curler participating in this competition must have paid a participants fee.
3.Players eligible for play in the Canadian Junior Curling Competition are ineligible to play for this competition.
4.Teams shall be composed of two female players and two male players and the male and female player must play in alternate positions.
5.Each team must consist of four players in all games at all levels.
6.Substitutes must be of the same gender as the indisposed player. Substitutes can play any position in accordance of Rule #4 of Mixed Rules.
Change Scott Rules as follows:
1.The draw is to be a double knock-out competition.
2.Each curler participating in this competition must have paid a participants fee.
3.Players eligible for play in the Canadian Junior Curling Competition are ineligible for play in this competition.
4.If 24 or fewer teams are entered the winner will be determined at the conclusion of this draw.
5.The time of banquet will be at the discretion of the chair and Scott representative.
6.If more than 24 teams are entered, then a double knock-out draw will determine the final eight teams. These teams will play a double knock-out the second weekend to determine a winner.
7.If necessary, curling will commence on Thursday evening.
8.Friday curling will commence at 4pm or later.
9.If necessary, curling will continue in the daytime and evening on Monday.
10. If the final eight draw is required then rules 5, 6 and 7 of the Tankard rules will be applied.
Change Junior Rules as follows:
1.To be eligible to compete in the Canadian Junior Curling Championships, all four players on a team must be certified by their school or curling club, as
(a) Being under 20 years of age on July 1st, prior to the championship, and
(b) in attendance at the same school or playing out of a curling club affiliated with the CCA through the provincial association.
2.The draw to be double knock-out for eight teams or more. If less than eight teams are entered than a round robin competition will be played. Playoff format will be determined by the drawmaster in consultation with the Junior Development Chairperson prior to the competition. No team shall be eliminated with less than two losses.
Number 2 amended as follows: change eight to five and change round robin to double round robin.
Carried as Amended
Change the D. Alex MacDonald 8 Year Competition to read Rodd 8 Year Mens Competition.
Change the IGA 8 Year Competition to read Rodd 8 Year Womens Competition.
Add For each game in the Open, opposing teams will toss a coin at least one half hour prior to game time with the winner either last practice or last rock advantage. as 12. in Mens 8 Year Competition.
Add For each game in the Open, opposing teams will toss a coin at least one half hour before game time with the winner either choosing last practice or last rock advantage. as 11. in Womens Eight Year Competition.
Be it resolved that the Provincial Mixed be played on one weekend and that it be a triple knock-out competition.
That the P.E.I.C.A. drop the Provincial Mens 4 Year Championship from the list of competitions under the jurisdiction of the Association.
Be it resolved that the Annual Provincial Masters Curling Championships and the Maritime Master Curling Championships when hosted on PEI, be held in a central location in Charlottetown - Summerside region, at a time and place to be decided in consultation with the Provincial Masters Curlers representatives.
That the playoff system for the Provincial Junior Curling Championship be a double knock-out when six or more teams are involved. If there are five or fewer teams than a double round robin format be used with a sudden death playoff only if teams have an identical record.
Amended six to five and five to four.
Defeated as Amended
Defeated Motion
The current format for the Scott Tournament of Hearts Provincial Competition is a double knock-out held over one weekend provided there are less than 24 entries. The motion is to amend this to a triple knock-out under the same conditions.
The current by-laws allow for the possibility of a team curling in a provincial competition, with the exception of senior teams, to curl one day of three games. The motion is to amend this to no team shall be allowed to play more than two games in one day in a provincial competition.
In the next review of the rotation for Provincial events for the P.E.I.C.A., the Alberton Curling Club be included for all events except the Tankard Open.
Defeated 9 -10
Announcement of Sites for Bonspiels
Labatts Open- Belvedere January 26 -27
Finals Silver Fox February 2 -3
Ford Mixed-Crapaud March 29-31
Scott- Cornwall January 19 - 22
Juniors- Belvedere January 5 -8
Seniors- Montague February 9 -12
8 Year- Alberton March 1-3
Masters-OLeary January 22-24
Moved by Shirley and John.
Moved by Norma Jean and seconded by Deanna that The seven year rotation shall be changed to an eight year rotation. (Rationale: An eight year rotation would reflect that we have eight clubs hosting events).
Election of Officers
The following names were brought forth for election for executive positions:
Larry Dewar-Past President
Arleen Harris- President
John Griffin-1ST Vice President
Dawn MacFadyen-2ND Vice President
Bruce Read- 3RD Vice President
Sharon Walker-Delegate at Large
New Business
Barb mentioned that a Junior Summer Curling Camp would be held in Nova Scotia from August 14-18 in Truro. An Ice Technician Course to be held in Brookfield, NS on August 12-13.
Was moved that the names of Ladies, Mens, Mixed and both Junior Games teams be sent to Sport PEI Awards.
Moved by Shirley and seconded by Arleen.
Election of Representatives
Representative to the AGM in Ottawa are to be Arleen Harris and John Griffin.
Election of Auditor
Bob Wright will do the audit for the 1994 -1995 curling year.
Hall of Fame
Arleen mentioned that Cathy Dillon be inducted into the Curling Hall of Fame and that Teds name would be kept on file.
Vote of Thanks
Larry thanked all the executive and clubs for their co-operation over the last year.
Installation of New President
Larry welcomed Arleen Harris as the new President of the PEI Curling Association.
New Presidents Remarks
Arleen welcomed Sharon to the Executive. Looking forward to a good year with CCC hosting the National Mixed.
Ratify Dues
Dues for next year will remain the same as this year. $76.00 per sheet, $4.00 per head and $1.00 per person for extra curlers. Scott moved and Bob seconded.
Motion Carried
Dave moved the meeting adjourned.
MAY 31, 1995
Congratulations must go out to all the teams that represented the Island in the National Playdowns this past year. To Peter MacDonald and his mixed team who were Runner-Up in the National Unitel Mixed. To Rebecca Jean MacPhees Ladies Team who ended up with the best record for an Island team at the Nationals for many years. To Robert Campbell and his mens team who made it to the tie-breakers at the Labatt Brier in Halifax, and to the Senior and Junior teams who had very good records at their Nationals. It is just a matter of time before one of our teams bring home the big prize.
1995 -1996
Past President- Larry Dewar
President-Arleen Harris
1st Vice President- John Griffin
2nd Vice President -Dawn MacFadyen
3RD Vice President-Bruce Read
Delegate-at-Large- Sharon Walker
Secretary-Treasurer-Darlene Kneabone
Curl Canada Co-ordinator - Barb Currie
Junior Co-ordinator - Gerry van Ouwerkerk
Marketing Director - Shirley Lank
Mens Peter MacDonald, Grant Somers, John Postma, Rod MacDonald
Mark ORourke
Runners -up
Kevin Champion, Mike Callaghan, Brian Scales, Corey MacCallum
Ladies Winners
Susan McInnis, Kathy ORourke, Tricia MacGregor, Leslie Allan
Julie Scales
Shirley Berry, Carolyn Hughes, Sarah Stevenson, Diane Farquharson
Blair Weeks, Janice MacCallum, Doug Weeks, Shelley Muzika
Andrew Robinson, Lori Robinson, Jamie McCarthy, Leslie Allan
Senior Mens
Lorne Burke, Ernie Diamond, Phil Berry, Myron MacKay
Roger Goss, Bob Dillon, John Stewart, Paul Szczygiel
Senior Ladies
Gen Enman, Wanda MacLean, Janet Phillips, Marilyn Banks
Marie Gaudet, Anne Currie, Mabel Gardiner, Annetta Walsh
Junior Mens
Jamie Newson, Jeff Smith, Dan Gallant, Kyle MacDonald
Kyle Stevenson, Robert Gauthier, Steve Barber, Terry Hood
Junior Ladies
Angela Sutherland, Melonie Ellis, Jennifer Coady, April Hicken
Krista Cameron, Suzanne Gaudet, Cheryl King, Stefanie Richard
The Seventh Annual Meeting of the PEI Curling Association was held in Charlottetown on May 29, 1996 with President Arleen Harris in the chair.
In Attendance:
Executive: Larry Dewar, Past President
Arleen Harris, President
John Griffin, 1STVice President
Dawn MacFadyen, 2ND Vice President
Sharon Walker, Delegate at Large
Barb Currie, Technical Director
Shirley Lank, Marketing Coordinator
Darlene Kneabone, Secretary - Treasurer
Delegates: Ted MacFadyen, Crapaud
Brenda MacMillan, Cornwall
Bob Wright, Cornwall
Pat Aylward, Silver Fox
Susan Robinson, Silver Fox
Kenneth Banks, Alberton
Muncey Harris, Maple Leaf
Leah Harris, Maple Leaf
Tammy Martell, Montague
Peter McCrady, Charlottetown
Kaye MacFadyen, Charlottetown
Observers: Susan McInnis, Charlottetown
Kim Dolan, Charlottetown
Rebecca Jean MacPhee, Charlottetown
Call to Order
Report of Credentials
To have a vote at the Annual Meeting each club had to have at least 60% at their meetings all winter. The following clubs have lost their votes. Alberton - no woman vote, Crapaud - no woman vote, Montague - no male vote and Belvedere - no male vote.
Recognize curlers deceased during the Year
A moment of silence was held in recognition.
Minutes of Last Annual Meeting
The minutes were approved as circulated. Moved by Ted MacFadyen and seconded by Tammy Martell. It was noted that in the last years minutes it was moved that Robert Campbells mens team be nominated for an award but was not on the advice of Sport PEI. They suggested that only three teams be nominated.
Presidents Report
Presidents report circulated.
Letter from Shirley Morash in regard to Friendship Tour USA. Letter and cellular phone from Notika.
Business Arising from Above
The Curling Hall of Fame is asking for a $1.00 per curler. This is to go to the Curling Hall of Fame. Dues will increase for one year only.
Election of Officers
The following names were brought forth for election for Executive positions:
Arleen Harris, Past President
John Griffin, President
Dawn MacFadyen, 1ST Vice President
Bruce Read, 2nd Vice President
Sharon Walker, 3RD Vice President
Donald Clarey, Delegate at Large
New Business
Kenny Banks from the Western Community Curling Club. The Alberton Curling Club has been purchased with the support of the Lions and the townspeople.
Fee for Final 8's was discussed. Was suggested to host club and to Association. A committee should be set up to work out details of this plan. This item will be tabled until the Fall.
Items that are to be discussed at the AGM: Fair Play/Time Out. Timing of the Annual General Meeting. Was discussed that the AGM be held immediately following the policy meetings. Told delegates to vote against this.
Moved by Ted and seconded by Peter.
Election of Representatives
Representatives to the AGM in Ottawa are to be John Griffin and Dawn MacFadyen.
Moved by Shirley and seconded by Bob Wright.
Election of Auditor
Bob Wright will do the audit for 1996-1997 curling year.
Hall of Fame
Vote of Thanks
Arleen thanked all the delegates, executive and clubs for their co-operation over the last year. Good luck to the new executive.
Installation of New President
Arleen welcomed John as the new President of the PEI Curling Association.
New Presidents Remarks
John welcomed all executive with a special welcome to the new members Donald Clarey, Pat Alyward and Brenda MacMillan.
Ratify Dues
Dues for next year will remain the same as this year. $76.00 per sheet, $4.00 per head and $1.00 per person for extra curlers. Scott moved and Bob seconded. As well as a $1.00 per head charge for full time curlers will be collected to send to the PEI Curling Hall of Fame.
Motion Carried
Pat moved that the meeting be adjourned.
MAY 29, 1996
Some of the events I attended this year on behalf of our Association was an evening honoring Marion Dockendorff at the Charlottetown Curling Club and the induction to the Curling Hall of Fame evening also at the Charlottetown Curling Club for Cathy Dillon. These ladies are both deserving of the honors bestowed on them and it was a privilege to share in those occasions.
At the March meeting our Association heard a presentation from the members of the Charlottetown Curling Club to host the 1999 Scott Tournament of Hearts requesting us to sanction this event. As details become finalized announcements will be forthcoming.
Many thanks to Dawn MacFadyen and Bruce Read for preparing and submitting the nominations to Sport PEI for three deserving curling teams - Rebecca Jean MacPhee Team, Krista Cameron Team, the Peter MacDonald Team and for Coach of the Year Lloyd MacCallum. Congratulations to all our candidates. Our sport is certainly being recognized and honored more and more often.
Respectfully submitted,
Arleen Harris
1996 -1997
Past President Arleen Harris
President John Griffin
1st Vice President Dawn MacFadyen
2nd Vice President Bruce Read
3RD Vice President Sharon Walker
Secretary-Treasurer Darlene Kneabone
Curl Canada Co-ordinator Barb Currie
Junior Co-ordinator Brenda MacMillan
Marketing Director Pat Aylward
Mens Robert Campbell, Peter Gallant, Mark ORourke, Mark Butler
Dave Campbell
Runners -up
John Likely, Kevin Champion, Steven Champion, Corey MacCallum
Ladies Winners
Rebecca MacPhee, Kim Dolan, Marian MacAulay, LouAnn Henry
Sandy Matheson
Susan MacInnis, Tricia MacGregor, Leslie Allen, Lori Robinson
John Likely, Susan MacInnis, Mark Butler, Gail MacNeill
Robert Campbell, Kathy ORourke, Mark ORourke, Lou Ann Henry
Senior Mens
Wayne Gardiner, Fred Hiscock, Raymond Thomson, Lou Nowlan
Barrie Stevenson, Bob Dillon, Paul Saulnier, John Stewart
Senior Ladies
Judy Goulden, Janice Dennis, Kay Elliot, Gail Jenkins
Marj Campbell, Louise MacLeod, Helen Robbins, Inabelle Peardon
Junior Mens
Mark Kinney, Erik Brodersen, Steve Barber, Chris Hodgson
Kyle Stevenson, A.J. MacSwain, Robert Gauthier, Terry Hood
Junior Ladies
Pam Burke, Lisa MacRae, Colleen McCabe Jennifer Arbing
Krista Cameron, Shannon Perry, Peggy Miles, Cheryl King
The Eighth Annual Meeting of the PEI Curling Association was held in Alberton on May 27, 1997 with President John Griffin in the chair.
Call to Order
Report of Credentials
To have a vote at the Annual Meeting each club had to have at least 60% attendance at the meetings all winter. The following clubs have lost their votes: Belvedere no male vote and Crapaud no female vote.
Recognize Curlers Deceased during the Year
A moment of silence was held in recognition.
Minutes of the last Annual Meeting
Minutes were approved as circulated. Moved by Tammy and seconded by Lori.
Presidents Report
Presidents Report circulated. Susan Robinson seconded.
Secretary/Treasurers Report
Secretary-Treasurers Report circulated. Approved by Tammy and seconded by Sharon.
Election of Officers
The following names were brought forth election for executive positions:
John Griffin, Past President
Dawn MacFadyen, President
Bruce Read, 1ST Vice President
Sharon Walker, 2ND Vice President
Kevin Champion, 3RD Vice President
Benita Morrison, Delegate at Large
New Business
At the Provincial Masters last year there was a problem with the teams not showing up for the final game. A letter will be sent out in regard to the conduct of these teams with a warning not for it to happen again.
The Provincial 8 Year (waiver of notice) moved with an unanimous vote.
The 8 Year and Under that one night memberships and rec members be eligible to curl in this.
Moved by Dawn and seconded by Tammy.
Election of Representatives
Representatives to the AGM in Ottawa are to be John Griffin and Dawn MacFadyen.
Election of Auditor
Bob Wright will do the audit for the 1997-1998 curling year.
Hall of Fame
Vote of Thanks
John thanked everyone for the help they gave him over the past five years.
Installation of New President
John welcomed Dawn in as the new President of the PEI Curling Association.
New Presidents Remarks
Dawn thanked John for all his hard work, time and effort not only for the past year but all the years he has been on the executive.
Ratify Dues
Dues for next year will remain the same as this year. $76.00 per sheet, $4.00 per head and $1.00 per person for extra curlers. Tammy moved and Bob seconded. Participants cards will be $15.00 and the entry fees will be Scott, Tankard, Mixed and Seniors $80.00. Juniors $60.00 and Novices $48.00. The Masters and the 8 Year will be $68.00.
Motion Carried
Pat moved the meeting be adjourned.
This has been a busy and eventful year as President of the P.E.I.C.A. I have answered numerous phone calls dealing with Juniors, Seniors, Masters, Entries, Bonspiel dates, Canadian Curling Hall of Fame, storms, etc. Overall it has been a successful year:
Pat has done a fine job promoting the business of curling across the Island. He also organized a large paper insert.
Brenda has done a fine job also organizing Junior events. She puts a lot of time and effort into the Juniors Provincials and worked hard to represent us at the Nationals.
Barb was also busy with clients during mid-winter. Her job will be even more important and busy as we get ready to host the Scott Tournament of Hearts in 1999.
Darlene was busy as usual with correspondence, bills, phone calls, entries, etc. This is her last year as Secretary and we will soon find out how much we depended on her.
The rest of the Executive (Dawn, Bruce and Sharon) were busy with their respective responsibilities both here and at the Nationals. We also welcomed two new members on the Executive, Kevin Champion as Delegate at Large and Pix Butt as Winter Games Co-ordinator.
The low point of the year was the loss of the Belvedere Curling Club. It was frustrating to see it go because you know it will never return. The loss of this club should make all of us ask the question, what could the P.E.I.C.A. and the other clubs have done to help? Should we be spending more of our time and resources on club development? What are our priorities, goals and objectives? Finally, do we allocate an appropriate amount of time and resources to meet these objectives or do we just administer championships?
Respectfully submitted, John Griffin, President, P.E.I.C.A.
1997 -1998
Past President- John Griffin
President-Dawn MacFadyen
1st Vice President- Bruce Read
2nd Vice President- Sharon Walker
3RD Vice President-Kevin Champion
Delegate-at-Large- Nicole Phillips
Secretary-Treasurer- Jim Trainor
Curl Canada Co-ordinator- Barb Currie
Junior Co-ordinator-Brenda MacMillan
Marketing Director-Pat Alyward
Garth Mitchell, Ken McGregor, Philip McInnis, Brad Chugg
Kevin Champion
Runners -up
Mike Gaudet, Andrew Robinson, Tyler Harris, Brian Scales
Tammi Lowther, Susan McInnis, Shelley Muzika, Julie Scales
Donna Lank
Rebecca Jean MacPhee, Kim Dolan, Kathy O'Rourke, Lou Ann Henry
Mike Gaudet, Leslie Allen, Brian Scales, Lori Robinson
Mel Bernard, Barb Currie, Gerry Burt, Helen MacDonald
Senior Mens
Jim Trainor, Barrie Stevenson, John MacKay, Bill Atkinson
Bob Dillon, Bill MacPhee, John Stewart Jim MacLean
Senior Ladies
Arleen Harris, Kaye MacFadyen, Betty Matthews, Joan Saulnier
Janet MacDonald, Marj Campbell, Wanda MacLean, Nancy Campbell
Junior Mens
Kyle Stevenson, Robbie Gauthier, Rodney Hood, Terry Hood
Tim Hockin, Darren Higgins, Matthew MacDonald, Chris Reihl, Jeff Gallant
Junior Ladies
Suzanne Gaudet, Stefanie Richard, Stephanie Picketts, Kelly Higgins
Jillian Waite
Krista Cameron, Cheryl King, Ashley Ramsay, Kristin Vessey
Wednesday, October 1, 1997
Montague Curling Club
In Attendance:
Executive: Dawn MacFadyen, President
Bruce Read, 1st Vice President
Sharon Walker, 2nd Vice President
Kevin Champion, 3rd Vice President
Pat Aylward, Marketing
Barbara Currie, Technical
Brenda MacMillan, Junior Development
Jim Trainor, Secretary/Treasurer
Delegates: Muncey Harris, Maple Leaf C.C.
Leah Harris, Maple Leaf C.C.
Rupert Sweetapple, Cornwall C.C.
Bob Wright, Cornwall C.C.
Tammy Martell, Montague C.C.
Sandy MacPhee, Silver Fox C.C.
Susan Robinson, Silver Fox C.C.
Nicole Phillips, Charlottetown C.C.
Ted MacFadyen, Crapaud C.C.
Quorum was established with the following number of votes: Maple Leaf - male and female; Cornwall - male; Montague - female; Silver Fox- male and female; Charlottetown - female; Crapaud -male. Executive - four votes. Quorum established.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by the President Dawn MacFadyen. President Dawn welcomed all members to the meeting. The Executive and Delegates were introduced and the duties of the Executive were discussed.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was circulated and approved.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed, some points were clarified and the following corrections were made:
Ratify Dues
Dues for next year will remain the same for this year ($76.00 per sheet, $4.00 per head, $1.00 per person for extra curlers). Participant cards will be $15.00. Entry fees will be $80.00 for Scott, Tankard, Mixed and Seniors; $68.00 for Juniors and $48.00 for Novices.
It was moved by Tammy Martell and seconded by Bob Wright that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as corrected.
Motion Carried
Minutes to be mailed to clubs, delegates and Executive.
a) Letter announcing that Edmonton has been awarded the Labatt Brier.
b) Letter from Dave Parker, General Manager regarding Residency, Statement of Principle.
c) Letter announcing Karcher as new sponsor for Junior Curling.
d) Letter announcing C.C.A. Technical Conference to be hosted by Charlottetown July 9, 10, 11, &12, 1998.
e) Letter from Sport PEI re: Kidsport Program, sponsored by Sobeys and Sport PEI .
f) C.C.A. Award winners.
(a) Past Presidents Report
Absent. No report.
(b) Presidents Report
Dawn MacFadyen presented her report. In it she summarized the Two Year Program. The financial situation was discussed and it is not good. She also discussed increasing sponsorship. Increasing sponsorship through marketing was also covered. Grants for Canada Games have been applied for. Dawn also stressed the requirement that delegates communicate to the Executive of their own clubs. She pointed out that the deadline for Provincial entries was one month prior, in order to make a draw and have it printed in the newspaper. The Drawmaster is Blair Jay of Summerside. Drawboard, Tammy Martell.
(c) Junior Co-ordinator
Barbara Currie gave her report. Barb discussed the upcoming Technical Clinic. Level 2 Technical, Charlottetown Curling Club Oct. 21st 7pm; Oct. 23rd 7pm.; Oct. 26th 9:30am. Pre-requisite - Level 1 Technical - Cost $70.00. Deadline for registration - October 17th. Minimum of six (6) participants.
Unfinished Business
a) Letters mailed to two Masters teams who failed to show for final games by President Dawn.
b) Letter received in response to above from Henry MacWilliam, Chairman PEI Masters Curlers.
New Business
Junior Coach requirements were discussed. Information on Junior Representatives. The officials for Scott and Provincials were discussed.
President Dawn advised that the General Meetings are to start at 7:30pm sharp and the meetings must not exceed two (2) hours. Executive meetings will be at 6:30pm.
There being no further business, it was moved by Muncey Harris that the meeting be adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Trainor
Secretary - Treasurer
The past year has been both busy and exciting and I thank you for the privilege of serving as President of the PEI Curling Association.
When I started my term, the three most urgent issues to address were finding a replacement for our Secretary-Treasurer, completing our 2 Year Plan and addressing our deficit financial situation.
I am very pleased that Jim Trainor agreed to fill the position of Secretary-Treasurer. Jim worked very hard this past year learning the duties of his position and getting the books in order and I want to thank him for his efforts.
Just after the beginning of the curling season, we were disappointed to learn that our delegate- at- large, Benita Morrison, was unable to continue due to illness. Fortunately for us, Nicolle Phillips agreed to fill this position and I thank her for her interest in our sport.
This past season we also determined our two Canada Games teams. Thanks to Pix Butt, our Manager, for looking after the competition. Our teams skipped by Robyn MacPhee and Dennis Watts, along with their respective coaches, Barry Stevenson and Marilyn Sutherland, will be working hard next season to prepare for the 1999 Canada Games.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn MacFadyen
Page last modified: Friday, 03-Apr-2009 22:30:15 ADT