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Charlottetown Curling Club to kick off their new season on Oct. 17

The Charlottetown Curling Club, founded in 1887, begins another season on October 17 from 6-8 pm, with an Open House and Manager’s Party.  The Open House will include information sessions for all leagues, including junior and senior programs, and will be followed by a Kickoff Party with Dave Connolly from 8-11 pm. They are also introducing weekly “Chase the Ace” draws, starting on Saturday the 17th, with tickets sold from 6-8 pm, and the draw being held at 8 pm sharp. The pot starts at $1000, and you must be present to win!  The weekly “Chase the Ace” draws then move to Friday evenings at 7 pm.

A curling kickoff funspiel is set for Oct. 24, with a Halloween Curling Party and Dance on the 30th. Tickets for the latter are $10 per person. The CCC Opening Spiel/Curlmania goes  Nov. 6 and 7.

Leagues start the week of Oct. 26, and include Monday Anything Goes Team Entry (6PM & 8 PM), Tuesday night Mixed league (single entries accepted) at 6 pm, and Commercial League following at 8, and Wednesday night competitive team entry at 6 pm, with a meeting set for Oct. 14 at 6 PM. Thursday has Mixed Doubles (now an Olympic Sport) at 6 pm, and the “Party League” at 7:30.

For younger curlers age 6 and up, the new “Rock Star Junior Curling” program goes Saturday mornings from 9-10 am,  This is an instructional program, with all equipment provided, and costs
$75. More information will be available at the open house.

Team Casey lead Robbie Doherty (Photo: Anil Mungal)-Grand Slam of Curling website

The CCC is pleased to introduce their new manager, Robbie “Doc” Doherty. Robbie will also be working to open “Doc’s Corner Pro Shop”.

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