Ted MacFadyen runner-up in Halifax Seniors Cashspiel

On Sunday, the Ted MacFadyen foursome took second place the the 6th annual seniors cash bonspiel at the Mayflower Curling Club in Halifax.

MacFadyen went 5-0 through the round robin ensuring a spot in the semi-finals. The team won their semi-final game and moved on to the final against Nova Scotia’s Brian Rafuse.

Rafuse represented his province last year in both the Brier and the national Seniors, and recently won the Rodd Classic cashspiel in Charlottetown. MacFadyen represented PEI in the national Seniors, for the sixth time (he’s also a five- time provincial men’s champion).

The final was a low-scoring game with several ends blanked. Rafuse pulled out a 3-2 win, taking home $1800, while the MacFadyen team won $1200.

Curling with MacFadyen was third Craig Mackie, second David Murphy and lead Mike Coady. Curt Palmer, Alan Darragh, and Dave Slauenwhite round out the Rafuse rink.

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