Regina Men, Laurier Women beat SMU in Cdn. University finals

The University of Regina’s Chris Busby rink edged out the Kendal Thompson foursome from Saint Mary’s in Halifax by a 9-8 score to win the men’s final of the CIS/CCA Canadian University Championships this afternoon in Montreal. Regina were undefeated in the tournament with an 8-0 record. Busby took four points in the seventh and eight ends. Thompson came back with four points in the final two ends, but was one short of a tie.

UPEI’s Adam Casey team which includes Anson Carmody, Nick van Ouwerkerk and Jamie Danbrook, made it to the tiebreaker round, beating St. FX in the first game, but losing to Calgary in the second. They had a 3-2 round robin record.

On the women’s side, the Holly Nicol rink from Ontario’s Laurier University beat the Saint Mary’s women’s team, skipped by Sarah Rhyno, by a 6-4 score in the final.

The UPEI women’s team of Sarah Clow, Brielle Quilty, Christina Hennessey, and Courtney Moore wrapped up play Sunday morning against Alberta, and did not manage to pick up a win in the event.

The winning Busby and Nicol teams now advance to the 2010 Karuizawa International Curling Championships, which take place late February in Japan.

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