Carmody wins A section, Dewar takes B, at Scotties

There are no undefeated teams following Sunday play at the Scotties provincial women’s curling championships in Montague.
In the Sunday evening draw, the Tammy Dewar foursome from the host club handed Charlottetown’s Erin Carmody team their first loss, by a 6-3 score, to win the B section of the triple knockout event. Single steals in ends six and nine gave Dewar the edge in the game.

In the Sunday morning draw, Carmody beat the previously-undefeeated Lisa Jackson rink, also from the Charlottetown club, by a 9-5 score to take the A section final.

Other members of the Dewar team are June Moyaert, from Montague’s 1988 PEI women’s championship rink, along with Darlene London, and Gail Greene. Along with Carmody, who throws last rock, are third Geri-Lynn Ramsay, Kathy O’Rourke, who throws second stone, but calls the game, and lead Trisha Affleck.

Meanwhile, the defending champion Rebecca Jean MacPhee rink, along with the Jackson team, were eliminated from further play in the evening draw, with MacPhee losing 8-1 to Cornwall’s Donna Butler, who built up an early lead by following a first-end triple with single steals in the next two ends, and Jackson being beaten 8-2 by five-time PEI Scotties champ Suzanne Birt, who stole three points in the first two ends, and sealed the win with a four point steal in the fifth. Also out of the tournament is the Shirley Berry senior rink from Cornwall, who lost 9-2 to Birt in the afternoon draw, aided greatly by a steal of five points in the second end, when Berry, facing six Birt counters, was wide on her final shot, taking out one Birt rock, but rolling out of the rings.

The four remaining rinks see action Monday at 2 pm, with Dewar taking on Butler, and Carmody facing Birt. The winners of these games will face off in the C final, at 7 pm. The section winners will then play in a two game championship round, Tuesday at 2 and 7 pm. Should a team win two sections, they would play in both championship games, against the other section winner, and take the title if they win either game.

The PEI Scotties winning team will advance to the national Scotties, January 30 to February 7 in Sault Ste. Marie Ont.

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