Cornwall club purchases defibrillator

As a result of an incident on the ice recently, where a club member had to undergo defibrillation due to an apparent heart attack, following on the heels of a similar incident at the nearby APM Centre, the Cornwall Curling Club has ordered an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). Quick work by club member Krista Affleck, who performed CPR, other club members who helped out, along with  first responders from the North River Fire Department, and Island EMS, who performed defibrillation, resulted in successful resuscitation, although the club member is still in hospital, and is still considered to be in “serious” condition.

A generous donation of $1500 toward the purchase of the unit was received from Cornwall Physiotherapy and Sports Rehabilitation, after they read about the incident in the Guardian. As well, the Cornwall Seniors curlers donated funding, and the PEI government also have a grant available. The unit will be installed shortly, and the club is holding training for staff, and  interested club members in the use of the AED and in CPR on February 21st.

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