Here is’s end-by-end recap of today’s Scotties final.
1st end:
PEI 3rd Geri-Lynn Ramsay puts one through. Canada lies two. Ramsay’s next shot wrecks on guard. Canada 3rd Cathy Overton-Clapham’s shot picks and she wrecks, too. Erin Carmody tries for double, gets only one out, but lies shot. Jennifer Jones takes it out to lie two. Carmody tries for double again, and makes it. Jones takes out PEI rock with final stone, but another PEI rock is there, too. They measure. Team Canada picks up the single.
End two:
Canada lies one. PEI’s Ramsay hits it out and bites the 12 foot. Jennifer Jones hits it out and rolls over to the edge of the eight foot. Erin Carmody hits it out, and rolls to four foot. Jones hits and sticks. Carmody hits and rolls out to blank the end.
End three:
Canada’s Cathy Overton-Clapham crashes on a guard when attempting a hit on a PEI rock. PEI’s Geri-Lynn Ramsay draws to lie two and split the house. Cathy O hits PEI rock, but it’s open. Ramsay wants to hit and roll behind guard, but there is too much brushing, and it doesn’t move. Jones attempts hit and roll, but rolls too far – back 12 foot. Carmody draws to back eight foot to lie two, and eliminate double possibility. Jones hits, but it overcurls, and shooter rolls out. Carmody draws to the button for the deuce.
End four:
Cathy Overton-Clapham hits but rolls out.
Geri-Lynn Ramsay hits and sticks to lie one.
Cathy O hits and sticks.
Erin Carmody hits and hangs rock on edge of 12 foot.
Jones tries hit and roll behind cover, and succeeds.
Carmody draws to back eight foot. Rock doesn’t curl much.
Jones takes it out to count two. Canada 3, PEI 2.
End five:
Canada’s Jill Officer jams on a hit and moves PEI rock behind cover.
Kathy O’Rourke puts one on the other side of the eight foot to split the house.
Officer hits it and rolls to the button.
O’Rourke hits it and stays there.
Cathy Overton-Clapham attempts hit and roll, but it stays there, too.
Geri-Lynn Ramsay hits it out and rolls it to the other side off the eight foot.
Cathy O hits and stays for shot.
Geri-Lynn hits it and moves it to the edge of the eight foot.
Jennifer Jones hits and moves the rock closer to the four foot.
Carmody hits and sticks. PEI lies two.
Jones attempts hit and roll to the guarded PEI stone. Looks good, but it hits the PEI rock, and rolls past it.
Carmody draws for two to lead 4-3 at the fifth end break!
End six:
Jill Officer flashes a hit due to a mis-heard call.
PEI has a couple of guards and a shot rock.
Officer removes both guards.
Geri-Lynn Ramsay puts a guard back, but it’s not perfect.
Cathy Overton-Clapham hits the stone, but the shooter rolls out, with the PEI stone biting the back twelve foot.
Geri-Lynn’s draw is heavy – back twelve.
Cathy O draws to back eight foot for shot stone.
Carmody attempts to freeze to it. Just clears guard. There is some separation between it and the Canada rock, but it’s there as shot stone.
Jennifer Jones wants to go to button. A little wide. PEI is still shot.
PEI wants a guard top four. Stone rubs guard, but keeps going to the edge of the button. PEI lies two.
Jones needs to go through a port to the button. She goes through the hole, but comes up short at the top off the four foot. They measure…
End seven:
PEI’s Geri-Lynn Ramsay bounces one in to lie four.
Cathy Overton-Clapham hits one of the two four-foot rocks a little strong, so there is room to get it out.
Geri-Lynn punches it out. PEI lies five.
Cathy O removes one, and sits for second shot behind a PEI guard.
Carmody attempts run-back of the guard onto the Team Canada stone. Shot is not perfect, but she chips out the stone.
Jones hits the PEI shot stone a little thin, and her shooter rolls out of the rings. PEI lies two – eight foot and top twelve.
PEI draws for top eight – lots of brushing, and it makes it, just short of the eight foot, but in good position.
Jones draws to four foot for a single, facing three. PEI 6, Canada 4.
End eight:
Cathy Overton-Clapham puts up a guard.
Geri-Lynn Ramsay peels it. PEI is first and third.
Cathy O draws to back four for shot.
Ramsay attempts across-rings double. Gets one only.
Jennifer Jones puts up a guard.
PEI looks at options – come-around the guard to freeze to top four, or peel the guard. Timeout.
They decide to freeze.
Heavy. Hits the shot rock, but doesn’t move it enough. Team Canada lies one.
Jennifer Jones gets by the guard, after furious brushing, to lie two, although the rock is a little deep.
Carmody, with last rock, tries to tap a top eight foot rock to the button. Makes the tapback, but it’s a little heavy and ends up slightly past the Team Canada rock.
Team Canada steals a single to narrow the gap to 6-5.
End nine:
Jill Officer crashes on guards with both her shots.
Kathy O’Rourke takes out Team Canada rock to lie three.
Cathy Overton-Clapham gets rid of two off them.
Geri-Lynn Ramsay jams and Team Canada lies one.
Cathy O draws for two.
Ramsay hits to lie one.
Jennifer Jones nose hits.
Erin Carmody also nose hits.
Jones hits and sticks.
Carmody draws – needs full eight. Brushing. Short. Team Canada picks up a steal of two to lead 7-6.
End ten:
Kathy O’Rourke fans on a hit – moves Team Canada rock only slightly.
Jill Officer puts up a guard.
O’Rourke does a run-back, but Team Canada still lies two with a guard.
Cathy Overton-Clapham attempts a centreline guard, but there is still a port there.
Geri-Lynn Ramsay comes through the port to lie one.
Cathy O makes it through the hole too, but the rock rolls away.
Geri-Lynn throws a draw, a little light. Brushing. Gets by guard, and ends up on the button!
Jennifer Jones attempts to draw to the face of Ramsay’s rock. A little short, touching four foot.
PEI, lying one, calls a timeout.
They decide on a draw to the four foot – will have to come wide, but rocks are finishing on that side.
Comes in, but just scrapes by a guard, and finishes as third shot just out of the four foot – not enough to win.
Team Canada calls a timeout.
Team Canada calls a second timeout.
The clock starts – Team Canada still talking but have 4 and a half minutes left.
They decide to tap up one of their rocks.
They do it – just touching the button for stone number two.
PEI decides to gamble on a risky double hit to take out the Team Canada rock off another Jones stone, and win the game, instead of an extra end.
There is also the possibility of picking out their own rock, and losing.
Carmody is wide, and the game goes to an extra end.
Extra end:
Kathy O’Rourke draws to Team Canada shot stone in the four foot.
Jill Officer peels centre guard.
PEI’s O’Rourke puts up long centre guard.
Officer peels it.
PEI’s Geri-Lynn Ramsay puts up another long centre-guard.
Cathy Overton-Clapham peels it.
Ramsay puts up another perfect guard.
Cathy O peels it.
Erin Carmody guards.
Jennifer Jones calls for her only extra-end timeout.
Jones decides to draw to the four foot. Lying two, but a little deep.
PEI has a chance to sit on it and get a small portion of the button to sit one and win the game.
PEI lies shot, but it didn’t come in and is not behind cover.
Jennifer Jones picks it out to win her third straight championship.