Game story:
End one: PEI’s Erin Carmody draws to the button for the deuce.
End two: Ontario’s Krista McCarville forced to take a single point.
End three: PEI attempts to remove an Ontario rock for a possible four, but settles for a triple, as they lead 5-1 after 3 ends.
End four: McCarville misses double for 3, settles for one. 5-2 PEI.
End five: McCarville put her last shot, an up-weight hit, between two PEI rocks and through the rings, and Erin Carmody did a difficult angle raise to the four foot to count two, and lead 7-2 at half-time.
End six: Ontario’s Krista McCarville does runback double. Removes both PEI rocks, but rolls out. Erin Carmody draws to top eight. Already lying one in 12 foot outcounting an Ontario 12-footer, but the double is there.
McCarville takes out both PEI rocks and sticks to count two.
End seven: Carmody draws for one. PEI leads 8-4.
End eight: Curling at 89%, PEI’s Carmody makes double to remove two Ontario four-footers. Ontario’s McCarville puts one back, Carmody takes it out and rolls to 12 foot with another on eight foot. McCarville takes them both out for two. 8-6 after 8 ends.
End nine: PEI’s Carmody makes double. Ontario’s McCarville puts last stone to back eight, but is still shot and behind a guard outside the house. Carmody draws to button for a single point
End ten: PEI lies one in eight foot. McCarville has two stones between it and a guard outside the rings. Carmody puts up a guard just outside the rings. McCarville needs a big hit off that guard on to two Ontario stones to remove the PEI rock and count three for the tie. She hits the guard and moves the stones, but didn’t have enough weight to pull it off. Final score: 10-6 for PEI. PEI, looking for their first ever Canadian women’s championship, advances to 3:30 pm Sunday final against Team Canada.