Former PEI/Cdn. Jr. Champ Danbrook to step in for Ferbey on Gushue’s rink at provincials

(St. John’s Telegram)
So far, so good, by Kenn Oliver

Curling skips Brad Gushue and Randy?Ferbey made national headlines last April when the pair announced they would team up for the upcoming World Curling Tour (WCT) season.

At the time, pundits were skeptical as to how the almagamation of two elite skips would fare, given reports that the pair had a chilly on- and off-ice relationship.

Three events into the season, those expecting the curling super powers to be at odds will be surprised to learn Gushue says his relationship with Ferbey is, “even better than (he) expected.”

Ferbey will curl with the team on the Tour, but when it comes to provincial men’s playdowns, alternate Jamie Danbrook will step in. The native of British?Columbia, who now calls St.?John’s home, threw lead with?Prince Edward Island’s 2009 Canadian junior men’s championship rink and second stones for Matthew Blandford in last year’s Labatt?Tankard provincial men’s championship

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