PEI Sports Hall of Fame calls for Nominees


With 2010 coming to a close, the PEI Sports Hall of Fame is looking ahead to next year, and is asking the public for nominees for induction in 2011.   

 Traditionally the Hall welcomes four new members each year, although in special circumstances five new members may be inducted. Athletes, builders or teams may be nominated, with the criteria being that they must have been born or raised on PEI, or lived in the province for at least four years during their athletic career.

 To be considered, athletes must be retired from their sport for at least five years, or be considered five years past the peak of their athletic career. Builders must have given at least 10 years service and be recognized as one of the leading contributors to their sport, either in an administrative or coaching capacity.
The induction ceremony takes place either in late summer or the fall, and nomination forms, and further information on the nominating process, is available by contacting Nick Murray at 368-4547 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The deadline for nominations is January 31 2011.   
Forms can also be downloaded here.
2010 saw the Hall induct five new members: Summerside’s Doug MacLean, NHL coach, general manager and analyst; Donna Phillips Hornibrook, Canadian field hockey star; Gordie Whitlock, leading hockey coach and administrator; Dr Bill Moreside, tennis great from the 1930s and 1940s, and William “Bud” MacEachern, whose travelling hockey career saw him coach Australia and Norway at the Winter Olympics.
The Hall of Fame and Museum is located at the Harbourfront Theatre in Summerside. Although presently closed for the season, tours may be arranged by calling Nick Murray at the above number.
In addition to the inductions, the Hall of Fame holds an annual golf tournament every June. More details on this event will be available in the new year.
For more information on the Hall and its inductees please visit the website at

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