Amanda MacLean rink prepares to rock the house in Halifax (W. Prince Graphic)

By Cindy Chant ([email protected])

The West Prince members of the PEI women’s curling team are counting down the days for the long-awaited trip to compete in the Canada Games, to be held next month in Halifax. 

The team consists of four young ladies, all under 18, who have juggled schoolwork and sacrificed many social events for training and cash spiels. 

Amanda MacLean team
Photo: The PEI women’s curling team, consisting of from left, lead Aleya Quilty, second Emily Gray, mate Kassinda Bulger and skip Amanda MacLean are busy preparing for the Canada Games competition next month in Halifax. This is the first team west of Summerside to represent PEI at a Canada Games competition. Cindy Chant photo

“We are all extremely excited,” said Aleya Quilty, the team’s lead, who went on to say the group learned of their qualification in December 2009, allowing members a year to prepare for the two-week event. 

The group currently meets twice a week at O’Leary’s Maple Leaf Curling Club and participates “nearly every weekend” in competitions to sharpen their curling skills. 

The team has worked towards the Canada Games since the end of the 2006-2007 season. The extensive training regimen has sent the team to many camps designed to improve their overall game.

Click to read this story in the West Prince Graphic.

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