Team PEI Week 1 teams depart today for Canada Games in Halifax

Week One athletes from Team PEI left today (click for video at The Guardian) for the Canada Games, which takes place February 11-27 in Halifax. Team PEI 2011 will have 18 teams participating in 15 sports and includes 3 participants in the National Artist Program. The total delegation is 213, with roughly half this number attending the Canada Games during the first week (Feb 11-19) and the remaining group participating in the second week (Feb 19-27).
For the sport of curling, the Amanda MacLean rink will be there Week One, and the Tyler Smith foursome will attend Week Two.

Visit for results, schedules, photos and stories, both on the site, and in the daily newsletter, the Red Clay Review, available here:
The media guide, with complete information on team members, sponsors, and mission staff can be downloaded here:

Beginning today, the Team PEI mission office will be open from 7:00 am until Midnight daily.
You can get information on the Games  via:
Phone: (902) 470-4247
Twitter: @TeamPEI_2011

Facebook:  Link from the website or search “Team PEI” on Facebook

2011 website:

Bell Aliant

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