55+ Games Curling wraps up at Charlottetown Curling Club

Curling Medallists 

Here are the winners from the 55+ Winter Games Curling event, which wrapped up yesterday at the Charlottetown Curling Club: 

65+ Men’s

Gold – John DeLuca

55+ Men’s

Gold – John DeLuca

Silver – Lew Black

Bronze – Tom MacDonald

65+ Mixed

Gold – Ernie Stavert

Silver – Walter Callaghan

Bronze – Willie Nicholson

55+ Mixed

Gold – Bob MacWilliams

Silver – Alfred (Chick) Morrison

Bronze – Vern Chowan

Here are the winners of the 55+ Stick curling event, held earlier in the week.

Ladies Stick Curling Results:
Ellsworth/Callaghan win Gold
Stavert/Plamondon win Silver
Larkin/Enman win Bronze

Open Stick Curling Results:
Stratton/Wood win Gold
Nicholson/Sutherland win Silver
Harper/McCrady win Bronze

55+ Games

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