KFC U13 Funspiel winners

Here are the medal winners in the KFC/Curl PEI Under 13 Funspiel held Sunday at the Cornwall Curling Club:

1st Place : Team Sanderson   41 Points (Montague/Cornwall curling clubs)  L-R: Gayle Johnston-Curl PEI Jr. Events Coordinator, Skip: Emily Sanderson, 3rd  Adele Breau, Lead: Elijah Blue and Coach Nancy Collier. Missing from photo 2nd stone Ben Collings-MacKay.


2nd Place: Team Bailey  37 Points (Cornwall Curling Club) L-R: Gayle Johnston-Curl PEI Jr. Events Coordinator, Skip Bailey O’Grady, 3rd stone Hayden Ford, 2nd stone Karina McNeill, Leads Hannah Kirby & Rachel MacLeod. Missing from photo: Coach Brenda MacMillan


3rd Place: Team Brandon O’Grady 35 Points (Cornwall Curling Club), L-R: Gayle Johnston–Curl PEI Jr. Events Coordinator, Coach Greg Grove, Skip Brandon O’Grady, 3rd Chase MacMillan 2nd stone Stuart Ferguson, Lead Ethan Belbin.

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